Saturday, January 1, 2011

The First Day - Happy New Year!

It is here! This is the first day of the year.

This is the day to decide that 2011 is going to be your healthiest year ever and then go for it!

I have already begun. I started the day with whole bran porridge sweetened with stevia (it was really quite good), am going to have a lunch that consist of primarily fruits and vegetables. For dinner it is Chilean Sea Bass, Organic Brown Rice, and a mixed greens salad. I am off to a good start!

Tomorrow will be the fist "test' as we are eating out with friends, but I purposely encouraged a lunch rather than a dinner. Restaurants are my weakness and I need to learn not to cave-in and order unhealthy when I get there.

I think that it will be easier for me to do if I start with a "lunch" out and work up to a "dinner" out once I am more stable. I checked out the menu ahead of time and they have a grilled chicken with garden salad. I think that would be the perfect choice.

Really looking forward to having the healthiest year of my life.

I hope you are too.

Be healthy!



Quade said...

While I miss not being there to tempt you off your healthy wagon with a good dinner or a bottle of good wine, I want you to know I'm really inspired by your dedication to your goals and the amount of work you put into it. It's inspiring me especially on this post-party day in which now, at 7:32 pm, I am getting out of my pj's to go out to dinner. Again. Tomorrow - I'll get back to good habits too :-) xo

Anonymous said...

Thats great that you are so determined and have such a solid plan in place.
I'm still in pj's haven't had anything but coffee yet and am nursing a food hangover. Lots of freinds and too much food last night and I don't feel like eating anything today. Nothing to do with alcohol just too much indulging in a great dinner and dessert and then too many snacks around.
I'm just thrilled to be starting this year weighing significantly less than I started the last one and am determined to get back to goal and my free lifetime status before the end of this year.
Here's to a fabulous 2011!
M. WW.

cdp said...

You are TOO good!
(Sometimes!!! - when a box of chocs doesn't get in the way!)
C xx

Unknown said...

OK Quade, Anon and Cdp...this is it. Lets make 2011 the healthiest year ever.....starting.......NOW!