Friday, January 21, 2011


Have you ever watched Fat Fighter's on Little Britain?

It's a series of skits that are a clear take off on Weight Watchers with the world's worst leader Margery Dawes.

I am going to post a link to it here so you know what I am speaking of. I find it quite funny but it is also a little insulting so some might find it offensive. If you do, my apologies. My favourite clip in the link is the third one with Rosie O'Donnell. The second one I'm not a huge fan of. I think the last line goes a bit TOO far. See...even I have my limits :-)


Anyway, one of Margery's favourite lines is "It's not easy is it?". It's funny because it is true.

It's not easy.

The thing is, we can take something and look at it from two different perspectives. It can be funny, or it can be damn irritating and possibly even offensive. It can take a paradigm shift to see the humour in things.

Sometimes I think that as I travel along this road my frequent perkiness can probably be irritating to others if they don't happen to be feeling particularly perky or if they have been struggling without success for a while.

My hope is that by sharing my ups and downs we can laugh a little along the way and get ourselves out of those slumps. Perhaps, though, I might piss some people off along the way with my "bubbliness" (is that a word?). I worry about that the most at the WW meetings when I am particularly talkative and don't shut up. If you watch closely though you will notice I am very quiet when I am GAINING weight. :-)

If you are feeling down and struggling, I hope my blog is helping and not hindering. I hope that if you struggle when another succeeds you can find a way to look at it as an inspiration to find your own success.

If you do you will succeed. If you read my blogs often enough you will know I can also drastically fail...but only temporarily.

We are on the same journey. We may take different roads to get to our destination, but if we check in with each other along the way we WILL all get there.

I know we can ALL do this.

Be healthy,



Caroline Walker said...

Thanks for sharing, you made me laugh as I read and thought, yep I've thought that too and felt that way. Why is it so hard to be good and so easy to do nothing.
I have found through my weight loss journey (100lbs down) that we are liek two people inside. The body that wants the easiest way out and out spirit, the real us inside that wants the best for us, but the body sure is a cry baby and even likes to have tantrums to get its own way lol.
Keep up the great work, it is sure worth it in the end.
Caroline Walker (working on my last 55lbs)

Unknown said...

Wow Caroline that is amazing. 100 pounds! Incredible! I have no doubt those last 55 pounds will follow.

I like your "two person" analogy. I have been struggling with that tonight.

I watched a TV show where they were sitting eating halloween candy on the couch and all I can think is...."give me treats!!!!". Just when I thought those days were behind me...sigh.

So far the angel on one shoulder is maintaing power over the devil on the other. Just have to hold out until sleep time.

Have a great night!
