Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Listening To Your Feedback

Yesterday I ate too much for dinner. It was healthy, but I didn't need two large helpings. I felt really bloated afterward.

The reality was, however, the mistake was made. So what happens now? Should I just accept it?

To a certain extent yes. It is in there and there is nothing (healthy) I can do to resolve that.

I did do a couple of things though. First I did a bunch of squats. Not really sure how much that will help but I do know exercise is good, and some guy on the Doctor Oz show yesterday was saying that if you pig out the most important thing was to do some quick exercises immediately afterward. He suggested doing 2 minutes of squats...so that is what I did...it can't hurt anyway.

The second thing...and perhaps the most important thing...was on the advice of a friend in England and that is...remember how I feel. Take that bloated, awful, feeling and store it in my memory banks to pull out the next time I am heading in the same direction. WW calls this "listening to your feedback".

The bottom line is I still feel great though. If I am going to pig out, pigging out on healthy food is still much better than pigging out on crap.

Be healthy!


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