Monday, January 3, 2011


I stuck to the new plan for the third day in a row. Whoopee!

The Roasted Chicken was delicious yesterday.

It is a really interesting experience for me as I am throwing so much of my "diet" mentality out the window.

I am cooking with butter again (organic goat butter) eating the skin on my chicken, but not eating ANYTHING processed. It has been a little easier to do that while sick. I haven't had much desire for processed food (or wine for that matter).

I believe that I am doing this primarily within Weight Watchers "Simply filling" technique but time will tell when I step on the scale.

I am making some assumptions when doing the "Simply Filling" plan though.

For instance: Chicken Breast with the skin removed is a "Power Food" which means I can eat it until satisfied and not count the points. Chicken Breast WITH skin is not a Power Food, and therefore you have to count the points of the WHOLE thing. Both the chicken and the skin. I didn't count the points of the chicken itself. I considered that a Power Food and then googled the nutritional information on Chicken Skin. I counted the points for the skin I ate only.

Why have I decided to eat the skin? There is a very well respected Nutritionist by the name of Sally Fallon who has written a holistic cookbook along with Mary G. Enig, PhD who is an expert of international renown in the field of lipid (fat) chemistry. This is the cookbook I am making most of my meals from.

In her book she states: "Don't forget to eat the skin and the dark meat as well as the white. The skin provides valuable fat-sluble vitamins and antimicrobial fatty acids, while the dark meat contains more minerals than the fat."

So...I have decided to eat the skin and dark meat for now. It is important to note this decision is from a nutritional perspective only and not from a weight loss perspective. It is not a free ride. I have to count the points for it (which means sacrificing something else) and if weight loss isn't happening it will be the first thing to go.

My hope is, that by allowing myself these healthIER indulgences (caps on purpose) then it might prevent the cravings for fat I get down the road that land me in a Chinese  Restaurant ordering Sweet and Sour Spareribs.

I won't be able to tell what the impact from my new technique is when I weigh-in Wednesday as it will be the first time I have weighed in since "pre-christmas" and I only started my new plan three days ago. I will be able to tell one week Wednesday. I expect to be "up" this Wednesday.

To be honest I should get a hint as to how the plan is working this Saturday as I weighed myself at home before I started the new technique last Saturday morning. I will weigh myself at home again this Saturday and see what the unofficial results are saying.

My only real concern is that part of the "balancing" that allows me to do this is a commitment to ten hours a week at the gym, but I haven't gone to the gym the last two days because I was sick. I will go back today. I am not sure if I can still get ten hours in for this week, as it would mean two hours every day the rest of the week and I really don't want to push myself today, but we will see how much I can logically do.

The plan will only work for a lifetime if I can adjust it to deal with realities such as periods of illness.

Just had some more Amaranth Porridge (I made to much so I will be eating it for about four mornings) will have a fruit and veggie lunch, and then Jamie and I will split an Organic Steak with Salad and Brown Rice for dinner.

It feels so good to be feeling better. Not 100% by any means...but definitely better :-)

Be healthy!


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