Sunday, May 29, 2011

Paleo Diet

Hello all!

Hope you are doing well.

I have been doing GREAT health-wise lately. I am on a "diet" called the Paleo diet.

I's can be a problem and they tend to fail eventually...but sometimes I think one just needs a change to get re-motivated, and to be honest I really like the nutritional fundamentals of this diet so if it works out...who may just become my new way of eating. I think I would like that.

Essentially my food intake is comprised of proteins (primarily from organic meats, eggs, and fish), lots of fruits and vegetables, and some nuts. No dairy, grains or legumes.

At first glance this goes against the grain of my tried and true weight loss plan which is Weight Watchers. They have healthy guidelines which require you to eat dairy and whole grains daily.

I have examined the nutritional charts for the Paleo diet, however, and at the end of the day I think you can still be on this plan and do what is called the "Simply Filling Technique" at Weight Watchers. While it is true that I am not getting their "healthy guidelines" in as prescribed, the rational behind the healthy guidelines is to ensure you get sufficient daily nutrients such as calcium etc in. The foods I am eating do accomplish (actually exceed) this objective so, ultimately, I am accomplishing what WW wants me to accomplish.

I have to tell you I feel amazing. The energy level has spiked and I wake up ready to go. I am not sure if this is a temporary feeling or not but I am loving it.

I generally don't crave the missing carbs. The only exception to that is when I pass a bakery, but at home I don't really think about it. I miss having milk in my coffee, but that is helping me drink less coffee which is also a good thing.

So far so good!

Be healthy!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting Things In Order To Move Forward

Jamie and I have taken a lot of chances in our lives...we haven't had it "together" in case of the unexpected.

We have no Will, minimal Life Insurance and, in general, we have been unprepared.

I think finally getting my taxes done woke me up. It is so easy to put everything off, but I think that even though we don't spend every minute of our day thinking about these things, everything adds up little by little and you end up walking around with extra baggage you don't need.

So we are getting it done. Improving the Life Insurance, doing the Will, doing a Living essence...doing what we need to do.

You may ask what this has to do with health?...I think the answer is "a lot".

It is not healthy having things weighing on you, and once the things are taken care of it is harder to have an excuse for putting your health off. The other important things you need to do are done. Health is what is left to focus on.

I am glad my financial affairs are all being put in order. It helps one breath easier.

Be healthy!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I cleaned the top floor of our house yesterday.

When I say I cleaned I mean I CLEANED!

Closets emptied and cleaned, summer clothes brought out, dresser drawers emptied, vacuumed out and resorted, floors done, windows cleaned. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned...for 8 hours!

A couple of interesting things came to light:

1) I learned that according to Weight Watchers online tracking system 8 hours of cleaning equals thirty activity points. I think that is a bit too high but I took full advantage of it anyways and used it to enjoy an entire bottle of wine last night :-)

2) There is no way in hell my summer clothes are going to fit.

I have some really nice summer clothes but as I was hanging the shirts I was realizing that unless I stay on track I cannot wear them. I certainly can't wear them now.

Thankfully it wasn't was motivating.

I am going to get in those damn shirts if it kills me!

Be healthy!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Distinguishing Treat Needs From Satiation Needs

I hadn't really thought much about the distinction between "treat needs" and "satiation needs" until last week when I found myself standing in a Corner Store looking at Chocolate was actually after leaving a Corner Store and eating a Chocolate Bar that I thought about it...there is a big difference.

There is nothing wrong with a treat. We all deserve treats. The thing is though, treats are ideally consumed when you are NOT hungry.

I bought my chocolate bar treat when I WAS hungry.

I actually thought I was making a smart choice. I had room for the WW points involved and I was choosing a Cadbury Slim Bar. Not bad right?


The problem with this scenario is that the "treat" did absolute nothing to make me feel satiated. It was not even remotely filling so as a result I still needed to eat more to feel satiated.

As obvious as the distinction between "treat" and "satiation" may be I had never really taken the time to think about it before.

Hungry time is not treat time. Maybe it is ok to have a treat if you are feeling "peckish" but not if you are feeling hungry.

If you are feeling hungry you need to focus on satiating foods.

Yes it is true...satiating foods can also be a treat. I find a Burger and Fries for instance a wonderfully satiating treat.

I am not talking about "meal treats" though. I am talking about the little snack that will carry us through.

So now I have one more thing to think about. When I am hungry I have to focus on what will actually make me feel full.

Funny how I can sometimes be so oblivious to the obvious.

Be healthy!


Monday, May 9, 2011

7 oz Of Wine

Well I did it.

I went back on track last Monday and did an entire week of 100% tracking of everything that went in my mouth. More importantly...I stayed on track.

I am not going to pretend it was easy. The tracking was easy...but the food/exercise balancing was a bit of a challenge.

I had exercised and saved points for a great night out Wednesday night and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but after Wednesday night it left me with only three "extra points" (meaning points above and beyond my daily allowance) to use over the remaining four days.

Three points is not a lot (we are talking a cookie maybe) and I was afraid I would require more. The only way to gain additional points is to exercise. If you exercise you get what are called "activity points".

So...I exercised.

The problem is that I was exercising so much I think it increased my need for food I was staying on plan and exercising, but eating pretty much every activity point I gained. There was really nothing going in the reserve bank in case a special occasion came up.

Fortunately nothing came up.

I did 10 1/2 hours of intense exercise over the week, and last night, as the day drew to an end I had exactly six points left I could still use and be in balance.

So what did I do? I went to Weight Watchers e-tools program, entered "wine" and figured out that 7 0z of wine is 6 points. After all my efforts during the week I didn't want to end the week even one point over so I got a measuring cup, measured out 7 oz of wine, put it in a wine glass, and enjoyed.

There was something extra special about that glass of wine. It was the reward for a perfectly in balance week.

Now all I have to do it do it again this week.

I am going to.

Be healthy!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Do you have a Frienemy? You need one.

Do you have a Frienemy?

I have a few. If you don't have one you should get one. They are vital to success.

What is a Frienemy?

It is someone who encourages you to do the things you don't want to do. Someone who is such a good friend they are willing to be perceived by you as their enemy (not literally) from time to time to push you past your barriers and get you though the "excuse" zone.

I work out with a Frienemy sometimes. He really pushes me to surpass my "walls". If I am working out with him and I say I am tired he totally ignores it and never gives me a break. He may adjust the type of workout we do...but he will still ensure I workout hard.

I have a Frienemy who really encouraged me to try "Bootcamp" for exercise when I was slipping. I still haven't actually done that but I want to and the encouragement to do it kept pushing me in the right direction.

Frienemies encourage you to eat healthy when you want to eat crap. They tell you to get off your ass.

Most importantly though...Frienemies never ever judge you.

I have lots of Frienemies on this blog too. They call me on my crap and tell me to stop making excuses.

I love my Frienemies....and I need you.

Thanks for getting me back on track.

Be healthy!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

It was a 99 point day!

I ate 99 points plus values yesterday. That is a lot.

For those of you not familiar with Weight Watchers that is about three times more points plus values than I am allotted for the day.

I tracked it all though, and I am totally on plan. That is why I love Weight Watchers. I can go out and have fun like a normal person and make it all work.

Right now I am tracking Monday to Monday. I had already done five hours of exercise this week which built up some activity "points plus" values and I still had the 49 "extra" points we we are allowed to use as we see fit throughout the week so after eating my 99 points and entering it on the Weight Watchers system I not only haven't gone into the negative I still have three extra "points plus" value points to use as I wish throughout the week.

Three points is not a lot saved in the bank in case of the "unexpected" but the good news is that as long as I keep working out I will gain more activity points which will give me a few more points plus values should I need them on the weekend.

The good thing about this plan is that it is so doable when you actually do it.

I had beer (a lot) and chicken wings last night. I didn't sacrifice at all. I tracked it and I don't feel guilty.

It's a new day, it's a new life, it's a new world.....and I'm feeling good!

Be healthy!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

....and I'm back!!!


I mean that in a multitude of ways. I got back on track Monday morning and I REALLY feel it. I have the energy, the desire, and the will.

I haven't blogged for the longest period ever. That was partly a personal need to just re-group, but also a need I have had to get something in my life over and done with for the longest time.

Can you guess what that is?


I haven't blogged about this before, but believe it or not taxes have been one of my biggest impediments over the past year.

You see...I let myself get in a mess. I mixed Real Estate receipts and B&B receipts in the same boxes. I didn't separate personal stuff from business stuff...and every time I wanted to sort it out I just got stressed...and it didn't get done. Half the time I ate instead.

I am not just talking about 2010 taxes. I hadn't done 2009 either. The only good news is that I stopped the damaged at the beginning of 2011 and have tracked everything for 2011 on Quicken every I am now up-to-date daily.

I cannot believe how much having something hanging over my head impeded me.

It stressed me constantly...and it greatly contributed to my decision to drop or just not enrol for certain Nutrition courses. My life for the past two years has been centred around finding the time to get it done...stressing because it is not done...and yet never getting it  done.

I suspect I am not alone. It may not be taxes but I think many of us have "that one thing" that is hanging over our head and messing everything up in our lives.

My advice is not easy...believe me I know that...but my advice is heartfelt and strong: JUST DO IT! Stop EVERYTHING ELSE and get that one thing done. It is the only way to move forward.

On taxes were done. I owe a lot of money but I don't even care...I just wanted it done because I wanted needed to...move on.

So now my life can be focused on what it should be focused work...and hopefully doing some good in this world along the way.

I am going to take the most direct route down the road to health for a while...and blogging is back as part of my regular routine.

That doesn't mean I won't have fun. After Weight Watchers tonight I am going to a comedy club with friends...and beer WILL be involved. I have planned for it...and I will have it.

I am not going to promise but I am thinking I am going to try and blog Monday to Fridays and take the weekends off.

I missed you.

I am so happy right now...and relieved!!!!

Off to the gym now.

Be healthy!


Quote of the day (slightly altered): "Beer and Wine are cheaper than gas....DRINK....DON'T DRIVE!!!!!"