Monday, May 9, 2011

7 oz Of Wine

Well I did it.

I went back on track last Monday and did an entire week of 100% tracking of everything that went in my mouth. More importantly...I stayed on track.

I am not going to pretend it was easy. The tracking was easy...but the food/exercise balancing was a bit of a challenge.

I had exercised and saved points for a great night out Wednesday night and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but after Wednesday night it left me with only three "extra points" (meaning points above and beyond my daily allowance) to use over the remaining four days.

Three points is not a lot (we are talking a cookie maybe) and I was afraid I would require more. The only way to gain additional points is to exercise. If you exercise you get what are called "activity points".

So...I exercised.

The problem is that I was exercising so much I think it increased my need for food I was staying on plan and exercising, but eating pretty much every activity point I gained. There was really nothing going in the reserve bank in case a special occasion came up.

Fortunately nothing came up.

I did 10 1/2 hours of intense exercise over the week, and last night, as the day drew to an end I had exactly six points left I could still use and be in balance.

So what did I do? I went to Weight Watchers e-tools program, entered "wine" and figured out that 7 0z of wine is 6 points. After all my efforts during the week I didn't want to end the week even one point over so I got a measuring cup, measured out 7 oz of wine, put it in a wine glass, and enjoyed.

There was something extra special about that glass of wine. It was the reward for a perfectly in balance week.

Now all I have to do it do it again this week.

I am going to.

Be healthy!


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