Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Distinguishing Treat Needs From Satiation Needs

I hadn't really thought much about the distinction between "treat needs" and "satiation needs" until last week when I found myself standing in a Corner Store looking at Chocolate bars....wait...it was actually after leaving a Corner Store and eating a Chocolate Bar that I thought about it...there is a big difference.

There is nothing wrong with a treat. We all deserve treats. The thing is though, treats are ideally consumed when you are NOT hungry.

I bought my chocolate bar treat when I WAS hungry.

I actually thought I was making a smart choice. I had room for the WW points involved and I was choosing a Cadbury Slim Bar. Not bad right?


The problem with this scenario is that the "treat" did absolute nothing to make me feel satiated. It was not even remotely filling so as a result I still needed to eat more to feel satiated.

As obvious as the distinction between "treat" and "satiation" may be I had never really taken the time to think about it before.

Hungry time is not treat time. Maybe it is ok to have a treat if you are feeling "peckish" but not if you are feeling hungry.

If you are feeling hungry you need to focus on satiating foods.

Yes it is true...satiating foods can also be a treat. I find a Burger and Fries for instance a wonderfully satiating treat.

I am not talking about "meal treats" though. I am talking about the little snack that will carry us through.

So now I have one more thing to think about. When I am hungry I have to focus on what will actually make me feel full.

Funny how I can sometimes be so oblivious to the obvious.

Be healthy!


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