Wednesday, May 4, 2011

....and I'm back!!!


I mean that in a multitude of ways. I got back on track Monday morning and I REALLY feel it. I have the energy, the desire, and the will.

I haven't blogged for the longest period ever. That was partly a personal need to just re-group, but also a need I have had to get something in my life over and done with for the longest time.

Can you guess what that is?


I haven't blogged about this before, but believe it or not taxes have been one of my biggest impediments over the past year.

You see...I let myself get in a mess. I mixed Real Estate receipts and B&B receipts in the same boxes. I didn't separate personal stuff from business stuff...and every time I wanted to sort it out I just got stressed...and it didn't get done. Half the time I ate instead.

I am not just talking about 2010 taxes. I hadn't done 2009 either. The only good news is that I stopped the damaged at the beginning of 2011 and have tracked everything for 2011 on Quicken every I am now up-to-date daily.

I cannot believe how much having something hanging over my head impeded me.

It stressed me constantly...and it greatly contributed to my decision to drop or just not enrol for certain Nutrition courses. My life for the past two years has been centred around finding the time to get it done...stressing because it is not done...and yet never getting it  done.

I suspect I am not alone. It may not be taxes but I think many of us have "that one thing" that is hanging over our head and messing everything up in our lives.

My advice is not easy...believe me I know that...but my advice is heartfelt and strong: JUST DO IT! Stop EVERYTHING ELSE and get that one thing done. It is the only way to move forward.

On taxes were done. I owe a lot of money but I don't even care...I just wanted it done because I wanted needed to...move on.

So now my life can be focused on what it should be focused work...and hopefully doing some good in this world along the way.

I am going to take the most direct route down the road to health for a while...and blogging is back as part of my regular routine.

That doesn't mean I won't have fun. After Weight Watchers tonight I am going to a comedy club with friends...and beer WILL be involved. I have planned for it...and I will have it.

I am not going to promise but I am thinking I am going to try and blog Monday to Fridays and take the weekends off.

I missed you.

I am so happy right now...and relieved!!!!

Off to the gym now.

Be healthy!


Quote of the day (slightly altered): "Beer and Wine are cheaper than gas....DRINK....DON'T DRIVE!!!!!"

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