Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Fortune Teller Weighs-In

Yesterday I went to see a client about a property and, as luck would have it, they were meeting with a Fortune Teller right after me. The Fortune teller offered to do a reading for me for free.

Although it could be argued that it was very vague and could apply to anyone I was actually a little surprised at how applicable it was to this point in my life.

She told me that she sensed I wanted to make a permanent change in my life. Something that I really wanted to do and although I am so close I always find a reason not to do it. I always tell myself I will commit myself to it "right after....". To me this represents the commitment to making the full transition to a healthy way of living. That primarily means completely cutting out the processed food I think and focussing on whole foods. I know this is where I want to go...and I am determined to get there...but it is indeed always "after" something. Right now I am telling myself it is "after I reach my goal weight". For some bizarre reason I am willing to compromise my health by eating unhealthy processed food for weight loss. Because I do this it isn't that far a jump to allow myself to eat a processed burger and fries occasionally because I am eating processed food anyway. Why can't I just make the jump?

The next thing she talked about was spirituality. She said I am feeling much more spiritual lately. Not necessarily religious but spiritual. She said the journey I am on now was beyond my control...that I would get to the point I am at in my life right now no matter what events happened but finding a spiritual connection is making the journey much easier.  Hmmm...I am definitely not religious, but I am believing more and more that we all have a connection with the universe and that there is an "energy" we are all part of that we don't really understand. This belief is driving me toward "natural options" life "unprocessed". The belief in the natural universe's energy does indeed make my journey easier.

She also said that I am changing. That I have lived my life easily influenced by others but I am finding "me". That I no longer feel the need to please others. I am finding the need to please myself. She says this is a good quality but a quality that is best kept to myself for now. That I shouldn't share the steps I am taking in my life but make the changes privately...I guess this blog would be a "no no" then but I am not going to stop it.

Finally she said that she sensed I feared illness and that much of my life is driven by trying to avoid this illness. At this point I confessed that my Mother, Father, and Sister had all passed away from Cancer and part of my reason for taking courses at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition was to learn natural options myself. If I do get Cancer I want to be as informed as possible of my options.

Her advice was to pursue health and not the evaluation of Cancer. Thinking Cancer attracts Cancer. Obviously this fits right in line with the "Laws of Attraction" and "The Secret". While it does make sense to me, and it also makes sense that the best way to avoid illness is simply to be as healthy as possible, it isn't going to stop me from evaluating natural Cancer treatment options. I agree that is is not good to focus on the bad but I also think you MUST understand your options if the bad occurs.

So that was the scoop for yesterday. Not too much to say on the food front other than I am being good. It is weigh-in day today. I suspect I will be the same or up a bit but in my mind that is still "down". Remember my weigh-in last week was at the end of three days of eating fruits and vegetables only so it is only natural that a bit of weight comes back on afterward.

Be healthy!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Exercise Gone Wrong Makes Me Think About How Lucky I Am

Have you ever pulled your back out? I pulled mine out.

I am pretty sure I did something wrong while exercising two days ago and yesterday the lower back hurt a lot.

You know what it is like. The simple things in life become quite hard. Getting off the couch becomes a whole ordeal where you have twist to the side, brace yourself with one hand on the couch and push yourself up sideways. Not fun. Staying in one spot for any length of time becomes dangerous as your body seems to "lock" into position making it hard to move.

I am really lucky this time though because the back is much better today.

As I reflect on my day of quasi immobility, however, I cannot help but think about how fortunate I am. Fortunate that experiences like that amount to a few days in my life when some live in chronic pain.

It seems to me that we cannot control everything that happens to our bodies but we can take as preventative approach as possible. How do we do that? It is the same old thing. Eat healthy and exercise. Sounds like a broken record...or maybe a sermon...doesn't it?

Whether it does or not though it is a fact. It is the best thing we can do for ourselves. I am sure there are many people out there who are doing the right things and are still in pain. I wish I had an answer for that. I don't.

It doesn't change the reality, however, that if we take care of ourselves there is a significant chance that pain can be avoided, minimized, or at least delayed.

Yes we will still have temporary pain like I have just experienced, but we may avoid long term pain.

The only thing I have to caution (and I have to listen to myself here) is that exercise can indeed cause long term pain if you don't do it right. I am actually very careful and if I actually knew WHAT I did wrong yesterday I would do my best not to repeat it but unfortunately I don't remember hurting myself working out. It is the most logical place for it to occur but maybe it is just co-incidence. It doesn't really matter. The point is the same:

Exercise as safely as possible, eat well...and be healthy :-)


Monday, June 28, 2010

The Count Down Is Really On!

Only seven days (including today) until I post my topless pic on this blog. Why did I ever make this promise? LOL

If nothing else it is guaranteed to keep me motivated this week.

I am actually thinking I might take the pic on the Saturday and post it on the Sunday rather than taking it on the Sunday and posting it on the Monday.

Why you might ask? Because Saturday night is a HUGE party night in Toronto and I am not sure I want to spend it making sure I eat and drink nothing for this pic. I'm going to play it by ear and see how it goes.

The good news is I am not going to be stupid this week. I am going to eat healthy and normally. I am even going out Wednesday night (but that will be it).

I guess picture days will have to be a true case of the pride song "I am what I am" LOL.

Be healthy!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hard To Write About Food Today - G20 Vandalism Overwhelms Me

Sometimes things in our lives seem so much more important than food. Watching the city being vandalized on the news as the G20 continues is a bit heart wrenching. It is my home.

All is calm in the city right now, but sadly, it is not likely to remain that way. We are in for a day of more chaos and it really takes away the excitement of documenting a food journey. It seems so irrelevant right now. Shouldn't I just forget about writing about food today?

As I type this, however, I am also realizing that the very problem with food is not that dissimilar from the lack of motivation to blog on the topic.

How often do we eat simply because other things seem more important than our eating habits? The events of life seem to justify not caring about what we put in our mouths.

It truly is self-justification though. Just because something more important is happening it doesn't mean it is less important to pay attention to the things we need to pay attention to.

So I guess my message of the day, even for myself, is to pay attention.

Yes pay attention to the G20 news if it interests you (I know I will) but not at the expense of the things that matter to us personally. Pay attention to your loved ones, your home, and yes...your food. If we can hold our own lives together it can make the rest of the world easier to swallow.

Be safe...and be healthy.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

When I Miss A Day Of Blogging...It Spells Trouble

Yesterday was the third time since I started this blog that I didn't write a daily entry. It usually occurs because I am having a crazy busy day but I have noticed one other thing....every time it happens I am off track.

If I am on track I find the time.

From Friday night until now has been WAY off track. Everything temporarily went out the window...including the promise not to eat bread, pasta, rice or potatoes until July 4th.

I have had a burger and sweet potato fries, a club sandwich with french fries, Sangrias and Martinis. It was a lot of fun but definitely off track.

I have to keep my eye on the prize though and aim for being able to go out with my shirt off July 4th so today there are no excuses. I have another party tonight but I will be strong and good.

Wish me luck and be healthy!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Holy Weight Loss Batman!

Weighed-In at Weight Watchers last night and I was down 5.4 pounds! Amazing what cutting out the worst carbs and doing a three day cleanse of "raw fruit and vegetables only" will do. The trick now is to keep it off. I am only about 12 pounds off Weight Watcher's (and Health Canada's) guidelines for maximum weight for my height now. Almost there!

I think I will get there...wait...I mean I KNOW I will get there. With my promise to post a pic of myself with my shirt off on July 4th I have some pretty good motivation to continue on the good track.

I will still remain off of rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes until July 4th as promised.

I have been contemplating whether or not this would be considered an unhealthy rate of weight loss. On the surface the answer is yes, but an AVERAGE weight loss of 1 - 2 pounds a week is supposed to be healthy and if I take the average of my weight loss over the past 8 weeks it works out to 2.15 pounds/week. We all go up and down, and I am down more than usual this week because I made a couple of temporary but healthy changes like the cleanse. I think I am ok.

I'm not going to the gym this morning as I have work to do (and it is absolutely pouring out). When I don't go in the morning I usually fail to go later in the day so I am going to commit to doing it on this blog and report back that I did tomorrow. Hopefully that will make me go.

A special note to my friend "P" at WW last night. I know you worked real hard last week and didn't see the result you wanted but hang in there and it will show next week. You will reach the big 50 and be so happy you stuck with it.

Be healthy!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is It Worth It?

A month or so ago I was in Hamilton visiting my friend Wendy. She reads my blog and says she enjoys it but wonders if all the weight loss struggles are really worth it. Does all the "work" involved mean I am somehow missing out on having fun?

I think I have always known the answer to that question but it has still been in the back of my mind ever since.

I guess the first question would be is WHAT worth it? Working to toward weight loss is the obvious but what does that mean?

Some of the things that come to my mind are:

1) Constantly thinking about food.
2) Feeling you have to plan everything...even fun.
3) Feeling like you repetitively "blew it".
4) Feeling hungry even though you know your not supposed to.
5) Doing all the right things and not seeing results.
6) Achieving success only to watch it slip away.

Believe me, I know all about the struggles and the downside of the journey, but I also know the upside:

1) Knowing you can cut your toenails without running out of breath.
2) Feeling like you actually CAN exercise again.
3) Knowing you are likely going to have a longer life.
4) Knowing that when you do slide in the wrong direction that each time the slope down is shorter before you find a way to deal with it.
5) Knowing that even if you are not losing weight you are not gaining it. What weight would I be if I hadn't started this journey so many years ago?
6) Understanding that I CAN have fun with and without food and drink and if I blow it is not only not the end of the world, it is also sometimes worth it.
7) Gaining Confidence in myself and who I am. I don't think thin people really understand how much weight affects confidence...but man does it ever.
8) Realizing that you are not alone and there is soooo much support out there if you simply embrace it.
9) Enjoying getting out of bed in the morning.
10) This ones for the guys: That wonderful feeling you get when you can finally see your "peetee" again. It's like finding a long lost friend :-)

So I think the answer is obvious. It is not only worth it there is little in this world more worth it.

Life can be amazing if you keep yourself healthy. This is true no matter what weight you are.

Today is day three, and the final day, of the "raw fruits and veggies only" cleanse and I am doing great. Not so hungry anymore.

Be healthy!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do You Ever Feel Like It Is A Life Changing Day?

Yesterday felt like it was a life changing day for me. I can't say life has been horrible. It hasn't, but lately I have been feeling like I let life affect me. Yesterday I felt like I was coming back into a universe where I affect life. It is a great feeling.

The fact that it was the first day of Summer, a new beginning of sorts, definitely helped, as did the fact that when I look in the mirror my stomach seems to be shrinking at an incredibly rapid pace, but it was more than that.

I don't know what it was but the world felt positive and I felt positive.

We did an offer on a new Condo for my good friends Alejandro and Victoria last night and even though there were three offers and we sat outside the listing brokerage waiting for a response for over an hour, my instincts were telling me it was going to happen. It did happen. We just barely got it, but we got it. It is an amazing property with an incredible view and I am so happy for Alejandro and Victoria.

The closing date was set for my sister Sondra's Birthday, which I thought was good luck, and after we got it she happened to call me long distance sounding happier than I have heard her in a long time.

I think the stars are lining up and we are in for good times ahead, so jump on my "positive thinking" band wagon and find success with me. We all deserve it and it is time!

I am on day two of the "raw fruit and vegetable only" cleanse and so far so good. I am really hungry, I am not going to deny that. I even woke up at 2:00 in the morning hungry, but I feel great and I will make it through the three days.

I am becoming convinced 5-HTP works. I am hungry but I am not even thinking about breads, pastas and the like. The true crab cravings, which would normally be the first thing I crave, just aren't there.

Be healthy!


Monday, June 21, 2010


On May 3, 2010 I wrote a blog called "Today Is The First Day Of Summer". For me, personally, this is the most important blog I have written. I find myself having to go back and read it to remind myself of the truth.

As today really is the first day of Summer I think it is timely to refer back to that blog. If you didn't read it before please read it now. It means a lot to me so maybe it will mean something to you.

My Blog on May 3, 2010

I am on Day 5 of the "no bad carbs" (as defined by me) ritual and doing great! Today the three day cleanse begins today. Only raw fruits and vegetables for three days. I'm hungry already.

Be healthy!


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mosquitos Eat Fat People

It's true! I had this deep and intellectual discussion at the party I was at last night but I'm not sure anyone believed me. The door was open at the party and my friend Cara (who is NOT fat) got a couple of mosquito bites. This lead to a discussion of what mosquitos are attracted to. I believe that among other things they see a larger person and scream "buffet!!!!". I think my point lost all credibility around the time I spilled my red wine all over the living room chair...I'm so sorry Elizabeth!

The only thing we did manage to find consensus on was the title of today's blog :-)

I did keep my word and didn't eat any bread, Nacho Chips or the like in spite of the fact that my dear friend Quade, who made the following statement in yesterday's blog:

"I'll be there for you tonight like the guys they hire to keep celebrities sober. I'll be on you like white on rice...oh sorry, that's a carb..."

managed to be there for me by telling me not to worry, she will just photoshop the pic of me walking shirtless down Church Street July 4th. 

Thanks a lot Quade! LOL (we can talk further about this option in private)

I really want to say that I was too drunk BECAUSE I had no alcohol absorbing carbs in me, and there might be a bit of truth to that, but the reality is I drank too much. I really need to start paying more attention to this. When you spill your've had too much.

Yet another thing to face the reality step at a time.

I am going to stick to the positive for now though, and simply pray the chair came clean.

I have kept my promise and stayed away from Bread, Potato, Rice and Pasta for three days now. We are going out for dinner with a friend tonight so that will be yet again a challenge but I will do it.

Tomorrow the three day cleanse begins.  I promised my nutritionist friend Anthony I would  do it and I will. That is three days of raw fruits and vegetables only. God help me.

Be healthy!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hungry Days

Not eating "bad carbs" is hard. They are what fill me up! I am determined though. There are only 15 more days to go until I bare myself in public and I am going to do it. So it's fifteen more days with no bad carbs.

We are going to a party tonight but I am feeling strong so I can and will behave (at least with regard to food)! It may help that there will be people at the party who I know read the blog....eyes will be on me LOL. As Martha would say: "It's A Good Thing" :-)

Noticed I didn't say "no wine", however...I have my limits.

I have been trying to evaluate whether taking 5-HTP tablets actually does reduce carb cravings but to be honest I don't know how to evaluate it. It seems to be working in the sense that I am not really craving "bread" foods like I often do, but it is the carbs that make me feel full so not having them makes me hungry. It is really difficult, if not impossible, to know the difference between carb cravings and food cravings I think.

What I do hope is that over the remaining 15 days without carbs my body will start to get used to NOT having them. The real challenge will be re-introducing them in moderation.

Moderation is not something I am known for...hence the weight problem.

My eating habits have been extremely good over the last couple of days. As Karen mentioned in her post to me yesterday, it is amazing how effective having a small goal can be. It doesn't leave time for excuses like "I will do it tomorrow".

I used to believe that the type of challenge I am putting myself under right now is not healthy but I have changed my mind. Just like your exercise needs to be "changed up" or your body gets too used to it and doesn't respond, your food needs to be "changed up" too. So eliminating foods from your diet on a temporary basis can be a good thing.

There is a diet out there called the rotating diet (although it is not a "diet"). It proposes the elimination of different food groups on a rotating basis and is supposed to help improve your immune system and help prevent allergies. I have done it on a temporary basis before and it actually makes a lot a sense to me. They still say eat healthy, still say get all your food groups in, they just propose eliminating food groups for a few days on a regular basis. To me that makes sense and it is something I will look into further for "post goal" eating habits...for now though...I have enough to focus on.

Be healthy!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Healthy Healthy Healthy

Man was I healthy yesterday. I had yogurt and fruit for breakfast,  turkey, a beet salad and mushrooms for lunch, and then chicken and an amazing vegetable salad with tangerines, kale, various peppers, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins and a host of other veggies for dinner. In the evening I had a protein shake with strawberries and milk.

Not a single "bad carb" went in my mouth so I have survived day one of the 17 day countdown to July 4th without potatoes, pasta and bread (I am also adding rice to the list).

For the WW readers out there, I was totally within point range and checked off every healthy guideline item except whole grains (I didn't have grains at all but that's the plan for the next couple of weeks)

The 5HTP does seem to be helping to reduce the carb cravings although I must admit I am quite hungry now. Will have to have breakfast soon.

I am off to the gym and another busy day.

Have a great Friday and be healthy!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

"UP" as expected but not too bad

I was up .4 pounds when I weighed-in yesterday. I can live with that but it makes it up 3 pounds over the past two weeks so I cannot ignore it.

The good news I am feeing good, back to eating well, and will head to the gym as soon as I have written this blog. The roller coaster is heading in the right direction again. Yeah!

So today I am going to start the count down. Only 17 days to go until I take a photo of myself shirtless on a busy street and post it on this blog.

What does that mean? It means I am in training mode. This is good, as changing something is always the most effective form of weight loss for me.

Training mode, to me, means working out daily (no excuses) and cutting out the bad carbs. No Bread, Pasta, or Potatoes for the next 17 days. I know, I know, Potatoes can be considered good carbs but it is safer for me to cut them out. It is only temporary and that way I will not convince myself french fries are allowed. My carbohydrates will have to come from fruits and vegetables.

My nutritionist buddy has also been bugging me to do a "fast" to cleanse my body. I am going to do that next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. His definition of fast doesn't necessarily mean no food though. It basically means raw fruit and vegetables only.

For me this is doable, and is the change I may need for now. It is also good for my long-term health so it isn't just "overdoing it" for the sake of vanity (but yeah...that's part of it too).

Started taking the 5HTP supplements I mentioned yesterday but so far no real effect...maybe it needs to build up...I will keep taking them.

So wish me luck...the count down begins!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What a difference a good work out can make!

I'm not going to pretend yesterday was a perfect day. I can't because there were no fruits or vegetables in it, but it was definitely a turning day. I feel so good and motivated again. I am ready to rock and roll!

What made the change? Two things:

1) The incredible support I got from people reading about my recent struggles, through posts on facebook, posts on the blog, emails and even phone calls!
2) There was something about my workout with Anthony yesterday that totally reinvigorated me. 

Before yesterday I had not only been eating crap but I had also been too busy to work out for three days. I didn't realize how much difference that makes. I never used to work out at all but I think I have reached a point where failing to do so really affects me mentally. It is something I simply must make time to do.

I am feeling really good right now. I realize I might be "up" again when I weigh in at WW today but it won't affect me because I know I have the right attitude again.

I am also going to try something new and see if it helps.

I think my biggest problem is carb cravings. 

Anthony, as I have mentioned in previous blogs, is a nutritionist who also teaches nutrition at George Brown College. He told me that there have been studies done that showed people with carb cravings often have  deficiency of Serotonin in the brain. When given 5HTP (which is a naturally occurring amino acid and a precursor to Serotonin) supplements without any explanation as to why, it was found that test subjects ate fewer carbs. He suggested taking Natural Factors 5HTP with breakfast lunch and dinner. I am going to give it a shot and see what happens.

Will keep you posted on what happens.

Be healthy!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wine and Popcorn For Dinner

Well...if nothing else I tracked, and I stayed within Weight Watchers permitted "points" for the day,  but healthy I was not. 

I am going to call it a transition day and stick with the positive...I was "on track" points wise.

Jamie was out babysitting last night and I was just too lazy and tired to cook. So dinner tuned into wine and popcorn.

I believe it actually IS success if it is a better step in the right direction and I continue to take steps in the right direction so today will be critical for me. I MUST stay on track.

Weight Watchers has a side to it called the "healthy guidelines" where you are supposed to eat food from the major food groups each day to stay healthy. I am not sure I accept that the healthiest  choice it to eat things from every food group every day but I do believe you need to get a healthy quantity from each food group in over 7 - 10 days. Yesterday I got next to none of them in.

Still...I am feeling good but heading in a better direction again and will do even better today.

My friend in Scotland has promised to do this with me today so I know I am not alone :-)

Truthfully...this blog and its responses, as well as the group at Weight Watchers has taught me...I am never alone :-) 

Be healthy!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Call For Help

I'm in trouble. I am not eating well and was not able to snap myself back into place over the weekend. Until late last night I had actually decide to pretend I was healthy on the blog (didn't want to admit it) and then basically starve myself until weigh -in so it balanced out.

Fortunately, common sense prevailed and I realized I would not only accomplish nothing I would destroy the integrity of my blog...even if I was the only one that knew it.

I think there is only one way to deal with that, and that is to get back to tracking and posting. If I write down everything I eat and post it on this blog I can't avoid facing it.

I am still feeling good about myself so not heading for depression or anything...just very out of control.

Today MUST be a good day. I will make it one.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Man Girdles Don't Work!

OK I admit it...I bought was a year ago...but I did do it...I bought one...wait...that's a lie...I bought in white and one in black...I even bought the matching "precision underwear".

Yesterday...I wore it. The Man Girdle.

But lets go back to a year ago when I bought the stupid things. They had just come out and were only available at Holt Renfrew. My tummy was not in a good "place" at the time so when I read the marketing for this I thought "This is great! It will pull the tummy right back  in!"

I clearly needed a large size but I bought a medium. Smaller meant maximum suction right? Actually I think too small meant that the thing pushed from the top and bottom of the tummy and actually forced the tummy to the man girdle was put in a drawer for good...or so I thought.

Then I lost some weight and bought this pinkish striped long sleeve shirt that I really love. I wore it to my niece's wedding, gained weight back again, and it went in the closet to stay there until I was back in shape.

The thing is, my buddy Maurizio loved the shirt too, and I promised him a while ago that I was going to wear that shirt on his wedding day. Guess what...the wedding day was yesterday.

I pulled the shirt out and tried it on and it did fit but it was a bit tight. That was when Jamie said..."why don't you wear the man-girdle". It was a brilliant idea! I had lost enough weight that I actually was the right size for it so I went to try it on.

Just so you get an is basically a spandex type undershirt.

I started to put the thing on and got stuck half way. It was at about my shoulder blades on my back but it had rolled up and I couldn't unroll the damn thing. Of course Jamie was in the shower and not available to help.

Stuck is stuck though so I went into the bathroom and made him help me anyway.

Picture me stuck with my undershirt half on and Jamie soaking wet leaning out of the shower trying, not too successfully, to pull it down. Kind of a weird scene.

Anyway...we got it on and it worked! It felt a little tight but wasn't really uncomfortable and since the shirt was now the right "size" it did hold things in place.

I thought the feeling of tightness was actually a good thing...that would keep me in control at dinner....NOT!

I have to stop here and say the wedding was beautiful, as were our dear friends Maurizio and Diane. Maurizio was positively beaming with happiness, Diane was overcome with emotional joy, and Diane's mother, who was here from South Africa, looked positively stunning...just a beautiful beautiful time with a beautiful beautiful wedding party.

We went to dinner at Canoe Restaurant after. The dinner was fantastic, as was the view, but it was a special occasion and as much as I had had good intent yesterday morning, I didn't even think about diet. I had what I wanted for an appetizer, for dinner and even though none of us were hungry we had an amazing dessert.

I remember others around the table saying they were so full they weren't going to eat all of their dessert...but that wasn't even enough to stop me. I wasn't hungry but I was hell bent on finishing it. Why do I do this? I really need to figure this out.

So why doesn't the man girdle work? Because as you grow, throughout an evening, the medium that was the right size for your body at the start of the night, becomes a medium on a large body by the end of the night. As the stomach begins to distend, instead of flattening it, is starts too push from top and bottom which I think actually makes you look fatter...or maybe I should have been in a "large size" from the start :-(

So I had a wonderful evening with wonderful friends, too much food, copious amounts of wine and two shots of Limoncello.

Do I regret it? Not for a second.

Am I worried? Very much.

This is too many days of eating too much.

I did go to the gym yesterday but I won't have time today. It has to stop and it has to stop now.

Tonight we are having dinner at our friends Naoko and Albert but that should be ok. Naoko cooks good food and proper portion sizes and Albert goes to Weight Watchers with me so they understand.

I want to enjoy summer but I also want to feel and look good and that means it is time reign it in. I have said it a few times in the past few weeks with periods of success but not enough have to actually listen to myself.

I must close with wishes of love and happiness for Maurizio and Diane. We love you so much.

Be healthy!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Rationalized Stupidity

Do you ever rationalize something and ignore how totally and utterly stupid the rationalization is? I did that yesterday.

I have been insanely busy lately (hence the erratic timing of my blogs). The days are starting at 5:00AM and ending at 11PM and except for squeezing in the gym it is entirely filled with work. Yesterday I didn't even manage the gym.

As I was driving home I called Jamie to discuss dinner. It was clearly a "take out" night but I know a place that has wonderful large bowls of Chicken Soup that are really filling. I have no idea what the calorie count is but I have ordered it enough that I have noticed that it contributes to weight loss and not weight gain so from that perspective it is a good choice.

Jamie wanted Chinese and they are close by so I said I would get both. I should have gotten the soup first but I was feeling totally in control, healthy, and slim. The chinese takes longer so I decided to order that and then go and get my soup while Jamie's dinner was being prepared.

I stood at the counter waiting to order the Chinese Food for him and the damn smells overwhelmed me...this is where I got really stupid.

As I was ordering I thought...."they had that special in the is only one item and rice so that won't be so bad". So of course, I ordered Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs with Fried Rice. Not only was it a dumb choice but I realized after I left how truly stupid it was. The one item that I was NOT getting by ordering the special guessed it....the vegetables!

So it was a total crap dinner.

I'm not really worried as I have almost a week until I have to step on the scale again, but my splurge is done.

Tonight I am co-witness for a very small wedding (5 people) and we will be going to Canoe Restaurant afterward. It is very high end but I am pretty sure they have healthy choices. If I possibly can I will check the menu ahead of time.

Tomorrow I have a belated birthday dinner at our friends Naoko and Alberts, but Naoko always cooks healthy with good portion sizes so I am not too worried about that.

What I did was stupid...but it is done...moving forward now.

Be healthy!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Up 2.6 Pounds and Lovin It!

I weighed in at Weight Watchers yesterday and I was up 2.6 pounds.

Let me tell you something. Every ounce of that 2.6 pounds is what I would call "Jolly Fat".  I had the most fantastic time this week and don't regret an ounce of it!

The topic at Weight Watchers last night was perfect. We talked about how this was a "life journey" we are on and not a diet. We cannot "live" a diet. That would be miserable.

Life happens and we need to enjoy it. We just can't enjoy it with food all the time.

So I am proclaiming today that I am absolutely thrilled to have gained weight this week.

I am feeling good, back on track, and ready to lose again!

Here's to a GREAT week!

Be healthy!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fake It Till You Make it

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday I wrote about how hard it was to get back "on track" and about the mediocre work out I had had in the morning.

During the day I was thinking about what I would be doing if I was feeling "on track". The only thing I could think of was "I'd be pushing myself". So that is what I decided to do.

My day was crazy but I figured out a way to get BACK to the gym and do a proper work-out. Weights and all.

Guess what? Pushing myself worked!

I had a great workout and woke up this morning feeling great!

Today is weigh-in day and I already know I will be "up" but that is cool. I planned for, expected it, moved on, and am feeling on track.

I also had the wonderful pleasure of meeting someone who has been posting on my blog for the first time. She was in from out of town and stayed at our B&B. It was so great to meet you Karen! I only regret that I didn't have more time. We will have to do it again and go out for dinner.

Karen clearly knows me well. She left me a gift of a bottle of wine and a set of wine glasses. Who could ask for a better gift. Thank you so much! You, my friend, are a sweetheart.

It's a great day.

Be healthy!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Right Direction - Wrong Speed

Jamie said to me yesterday..."It's taking longer to recover from these parties". He is soooo right. The funny thing is...he doesn't even drink!

I am definitely on the right "post party" road but it is taking longer than I would like to get back to 100%. I ate pretty healthy yesterday (except for the last few cheese Nachos that accidentally fell into my mouth) but I couldn't get up the energy to go to the gym.

This morning I went to the gym, but it was mediocre at best. I did cardio because I knew I would fail miserably at weights. The cardio work out was far from first rate, but at least I did 40 minutes continuous exercise.

I am getting back on track, and I have no doubt I will be back on track, it is just that the track is getting harder to find as I get older. LOL

Today will be a good day though. Lots to do work-wise and that will keep me out of trouble.

Be healthy!


Monday, June 7, 2010

A Fresh Day With A Fresh Start

Today it is time to put the challenges of the past two weeks behind. It was fun, it was a brief period of time, and it is over.

I have been on this journey long enough to know that the challenges are not over. I wouldn't want them to be. Failing at challenges is sometimes a lot of fun. I just can't fail too often.

On May 15th I vowed in my blog that on July 4th I would walk down Church Street during Pride with my shirt off and post the pic on this blog. That is a promise I intend to keep.

I have been making great progress toward that day, but let me tell you...if it were to happen today....we would have a problem. It is amazing how quickly my stomach can protrude. Fortunately I have also been around long enough to know it is temporary. If I am good everything will be back in-line in a couple of days.

So here is to new beginnings....again :-)

Be healthy!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Party Is Over...And The Carb Cravings Begin

Yesterday we had our annual Martina Party...and I lived to tell the tale!

You might have noticed that I am "telling the tale" at 7:30PM rather than 5:00AM though.

Thanks to my many many good friends for coming and thank you in particular to Kevin, who got Cindy and I to drink water between Martinis this year...the result was that both Cindy and I were able to function this morning. Not so sure Kevin was though :-)

I really have to thank Justine in particular. She was here as a new friend, and a guest, but quickly jumped in to help on bar when things got nuts. If 100 people weren't getting their wouldn't have been pretty. Thanks Justine!

Thanks also to Rommel and Michelle (the scheduled bar duo) and Cindy, Kevin, Joy-Anne, John and Shuna who arrived early Saturday and helped prepare the food and bar. Your the best!

All I will say about the party is...when ten people are in my bed at the end of the can't be anything but fun! (too all those with dirty minds...unfortunately the clothes stayed on :-) )

Today has been challenging. We went out for breakfast with the guests who crashed here (there were 8 of us) and I considered it my last "indulgence". If only that were true. I have had post alcohol carb cravings all day and although I haven't had a proper meal I have had a ton of leftover cashews. I also had about 4 chocolate brownies and some Nacho Chips. The only thing I really did right was decline dinner at my neighbours tonight. Love em but they are ordering in burgers and fries. Jamie is over there right now but I need to stop and I need to stop now.

So...the challenging two weeks I have been blogging about are officially over. No more excuses. Back to the gym tomorrow and back to healthy eating.

Be healthy!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Martini Anyone?!

Let the fun begin!!! The day has finally arrived. Today is the day of our annual Martini Party!

Starting at 2pm today about 100 very nice and relatively stable friends will begin to walk through my door, and by about 5pm today right through to about 2:00AM very unstable people will stumble down my stairs as they try to find their way back to the street. I am really lucky as I only have to find my way upstairs at the end of the night but I will have been at the party for the long haul so even finding the stairs may be a challenge.

I think we are about as ready as we can be and I am looking forward to it!

The party actually began last night as some friends from out of town arrived and stayed over. We went to our favorite Pub around the corner and I was anything BUT healthy. I had a burger and sweet potato favourite and I loved it! I will never worry about food from the time friends arrive for our Martini Party until they leave. It is my free time and if my weight is up next week I am cool with that. 

I have been pretty good until last night, and if I am good starting tomorrow I may not gain...if I do...then that just means I had fun! :-)

Hope you are all coming and I will see you soon!

I'm off to make devilled eggs. No gym time!

Be healthy!


P.S. Happy Birthday Quade!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Facebook is an amazing thing. I got so many birthday messages yesterday I was beginning to feel as popular as Betty White!

RIP Rue.

It was a real busy day between work and getting ready for the Martini Party Saturday but it was a great day.

I have a new listing about to come out so if anyone is looking for a 1+1 bedroom in a brand new building at Yonge and Finch ask for details! It will likely go on the market Monday.

Considering it was my birthday I think I did ok food-wise. Not great but I didn't totally pig out either. It was more a case of eating good food but then sneaking a couple of handfuls of cashews and a coke that were supposed to be for the party.

I'm not going to write a lot today because my message of the day shouldn't be diluted.

That message is that friends are amazing things.

I am so very fortunate to have so many.

Be happy and healthy today :-)


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Down 1.8 Pounds! Is That My Birthday Present?

What a roller coaster week! I went from extreme eating to healthy eating, with exercise consistent throughout, and managed to lose weight.

Part of me thinks that is my birthday present. That I don't really deserve it.  In fact, when I started today's post the title was "Down 1.8 Pounds! Must Be My Birthday Present!" Why is it so easy to deflect credit for what we accomplish?

I am going to make a birthday resolution, and that resolution is to start taking more credit for my accomplishments (even this sentence originally read " try and start taking more credit for some of my accomplishments" wimpish is that?).

Yes I am a male, and yes that means I am lucky enough to lose weight easier (although I think females tend to discount the fact that we gain weight easier...sorry girls) but I am working damn hard.  Exercising intensely at least 10 hours a week and getting back on track as quickly as I can after "blowing it". So it is my birthday and I get to say I am proud of myself even if I did pig out the first half of the week.

To be honest, birthdays don't really mean much to me anymore. They come and go and I hardly notice. But they should mean more because they represent the fact that we are still alive and life is so precious.

As I type this my friend's father is being admitted to hospital for surgery at 8:00AM for Pancreatic Cancer. Another friend emailed me last night to say she couldn't make it to our Martini Party because her and her husband's close friend has just been admitted to hospital with Brain Cancer.

Having lost my Mother, Father, and Sister to Cancer, and close friends to other illnesses and accidents, it really touches a nerve. It makes me reflect on how truly valuable every day and every year of our life is. Today I am the same age my sister was when she passed away. I always knew she died too young but until you reach the same age I don't think you really understand how truly young that is. I miss her so much.

I hope this isn't sounding too morbid for a birthday blog because that is not my intent.

The point is life is short, and we need to enjoy every blessed minute of it we can, and be as healthy as we can so that we can experience as many minutes as possible.

I am thrilled to be alive another year and this weekend I intend to celebrate, but my thoughts will also be with my friends who are going through rough times and their families, and with those who are no longer lucky enough to celebrate another birthday.

I don't pray a lot, and I am not particularly religious, but I am spiritual, and today I will pray for those who I know are ill, and those I do not know at all. I will pray that they have many many more birthdays to celebrate. Please join me. I don't think it matters who you pray to. You can pray to the universe. But pray. That is what I wish for my birthday present. I never thought that that would ever be something I would wish for, but today, it is what I wish for.

I will also raise a Martini Glass (or 13) on Saturday to those who have passed.

I am so fortunate to know, and to have known, so many wonderful people.

Be healthy,


PS:  Happy Birthday Graeme!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Last Day

As I dragged myself out of bed this morning the thought occurred to me that this is the last day.

It is the last day I will be able to go to the gym and enter age "46" on those damn pieces of gym equipment. Starting tomorrow I have to enter "47" and the sneaky thing will automatically adjust everything to reflect the likely realities of an ageing man. Damn Machines!

The one thing I will definitively say for this journey I am on is that it counteracts the fear of ageing. I have pretty consistently felt younger and younger and when my "before" picture was taken I am pretty sure I was 80.

Besides, I am not really turning 47 anyway. I already did my 47th day of everything because for the entire 1st year of my life I was apparently "zero". I guess lying about our age starts real early :-)

Life is good though and I am thrilled to be in it. I'm not saying it doesn't have its moments.

Moments of stress, moments of tears, moments of agony, moments of loss, and periods where one might not want to see tomorrow.

Life is however, an experience, and my goal is to experience all I can and accept the challenges along the way with grace.

I also want to say Happy Birthday to my many friends who are celebrating a birthday with me this week: Cara (it's today so a special Happy Birthday!), Quade, and Graham. As I type this I am certain I am missing a couple of people so please forgive me if I forgot you. Just put it down to old age! LOL

So here is to ageing, and life, and just plain "being".

It is weigh-in day today and I actually think I might be ok. I shouldn't be after the first half of the week, but I have been really good since Sunday morning and the exercise really seems to be keeping my metabolism up so here is to hoping!

Off to the gym now to enter "46" for the last time and try not too shed a tear :-( Just joking. Gotta love who you are and where you are.

Be healthy!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Making it happen.

Life is real busy these days. I guess that is a good thing.

One thing I can tell you is that yesterday was a day of stress from a Real Estate perspective. I always want things to "happen" for my clients and do everything I can to make it "happen" but unfortunately I do not always succeed. No one does.

My clients may find success today but yesterday wasn't the day. It sucks.

I guess that is my "thing". I always want to make everything "happen". I am a definite type A personality.

Yesterday I wrote about resetting my expectations and I am cool with accepting that but that doesn't mean I like it. I want it all and that means that no matter what I type on this blog, in the back of my mind I want to eat and lose weight.

It doesn't mean I will be depressed if I don't though because I am also reasonably logical (my partner might disagree with that statement) and I know that the reset expectations are the more realistic expectations and that is totally fine.

I did eat well yesterday, and I worked out.

I am off to the gym again now.

Today I will make it "happen" for my clients and not worry quite so much about me. I will simply eat well and let life unfold.

Be healthy!
