Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Fortune Teller Weighs-In

Yesterday I went to see a client about a property and, as luck would have it, they were meeting with a Fortune Teller right after me. The Fortune teller offered to do a reading for me for free.

Although it could be argued that it was very vague and could apply to anyone I was actually a little surprised at how applicable it was to this point in my life.

She told me that she sensed I wanted to make a permanent change in my life. Something that I really wanted to do and although I am so close I always find a reason not to do it. I always tell myself I will commit myself to it "right after....". To me this represents the commitment to making the full transition to a healthy way of living. That primarily means completely cutting out the processed food I think and focussing on whole foods. I know this is where I want to go...and I am determined to get there...but it is indeed always "after" something. Right now I am telling myself it is "after I reach my goal weight". For some bizarre reason I am willing to compromise my health by eating unhealthy processed food for weight loss. Because I do this it isn't that far a jump to allow myself to eat a processed burger and fries occasionally because I am eating processed food anyway. Why can't I just make the jump?

The next thing she talked about was spirituality. She said I am feeling much more spiritual lately. Not necessarily religious but spiritual. She said the journey I am on now was beyond my control...that I would get to the point I am at in my life right now no matter what events happened but finding a spiritual connection is making the journey much easier.  Hmmm...I am definitely not religious, but I am believing more and more that we all have a connection with the universe and that there is an "energy" we are all part of that we don't really understand. This belief is driving me toward "natural options" life "unprocessed". The belief in the natural universe's energy does indeed make my journey easier.

She also said that I am changing. That I have lived my life easily influenced by others but I am finding "me". That I no longer feel the need to please others. I am finding the need to please myself. She says this is a good quality but a quality that is best kept to myself for now. That I shouldn't share the steps I am taking in my life but make the changes privately...I guess this blog would be a "no no" then but I am not going to stop it.

Finally she said that she sensed I feared illness and that much of my life is driven by trying to avoid this illness. At this point I confessed that my Mother, Father, and Sister had all passed away from Cancer and part of my reason for taking courses at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition was to learn natural options myself. If I do get Cancer I want to be as informed as possible of my options.

Her advice was to pursue health and not the evaluation of Cancer. Thinking Cancer attracts Cancer. Obviously this fits right in line with the "Laws of Attraction" and "The Secret". While it does make sense to me, and it also makes sense that the best way to avoid illness is simply to be as healthy as possible, it isn't going to stop me from evaluating natural Cancer treatment options. I agree that is is not good to focus on the bad but I also think you MUST understand your options if the bad occurs.

So that was the scoop for yesterday. Not too much to say on the food front other than I am being good. It is weigh-in day today. I suspect I will be the same or up a bit but in my mind that is still "down". Remember my weigh-in last week was at the end of three days of eating fruits and vegetables only so it is only natural that a bit of weight comes back on afterward.

Be healthy!


Anonymous said...

Hey Alan.....did you know the meeting place is moving? I went in this morning becuase I can't make it tonight and they said that today is their last day in that location. They are moving to the next plaza over, by Chapters. A much smaller space so it could get pretty crowded at our meetings.
Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Yeah I heard that...will be interesting to see what the new place is like! Will have to check out the location when I am there tonight so I know where to go next week!

cdp said...

I am loving your blog Al - food for thought for me too ... the right kind of "food" - haha

Unknown said...

LOL. Thanks! As long as I am giving out "food" and not eating it I am happy :-)

Karen said...

Glad the back is feeling better, I did the same thing a couple of years ago, worked from home for a week. I have been following your journey even though I haven't left a comment for a week or so. I almost feel like I did when I was young and watched the Jerry Lewis telethon, and didn't send in a donation. Reaping the benefits of reading your blog and the comments without contributing myself. I must learn to be more disiplined like you are with writing this blog, and make sure I take the 5 or 10 minutes a day to read and comment on your success.
If you have stayed on track this week you shouldn't see much if any weight increase, and if good thoughts and wishes help, once again I will take my toes off of the scales when you weigh in. The biggest thing I agree with that you were told yesterday is - that you must learn to please yourself. We will always find the need to want to please others, but without being happy and pleased with ourselves, it becomes very difficult to please others.
Take care.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen! I was going through withdrawal not hearing from you! LOL. Glad to have you back. No pressure to post on blogs though. I love hearing people's comments whenever they get the chance. Love the "Jerry Lewis Telethon" comparison LOL.

Hope you are doing well on the healthy journey too!
