Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wine and Popcorn For Dinner

Well...if nothing else I tracked, and I stayed within Weight Watchers permitted "points" for the day,  but healthy I was not. 

I am going to call it a transition day and stick with the positive...I was "on track" points wise.

Jamie was out babysitting last night and I was just too lazy and tired to cook. So dinner tuned into wine and popcorn.

I believe it actually IS success if it is a better step in the right direction and I continue to take steps in the right direction so today will be critical for me. I MUST stay on track.

Weight Watchers has a side to it called the "healthy guidelines" where you are supposed to eat food from the major food groups each day to stay healthy. I am not sure I accept that the healthiest  choice it to eat things from every food group every day but I do believe you need to get a healthy quantity from each food group in over 7 - 10 days. Yesterday I got next to none of them in.

Still...I am feeling good but heading in a better direction again and will do even better today.

My friend in Scotland has promised to do this with me today so I know I am not alone :-)

Truthfully...this blog and its responses, as well as the group at Weight Watchers has taught me...I am never alone :-) 

Be healthy!



Karen said...

You are correct when you said you are not alone. Many of us are here with our own personal weight battles, and are offering our support to help you get to your 'shirtless' day in the sun. Your honesty in your blog will help you, as was said - you are only cheating yourself. Perhaps you should start again - read your blog from the very beginning and remember the name of your blog.
PS - I hope it wasn't the wine that I left that you had with your popcorn :)

Anonymous said...

Wine & popcorn? Thats an interesting combination. Cindy would be right with you on that one. True, not so healthy, but staying on points is better than going way over.
BTW...can I ask? If you live & work in Toronto, why you are coming to Burlington for meetings? Not that Cindy isn't worth the drive, but it just occurred to me that you are coming a long way.
Have a great day, stay healthy, you will feel better for it!

Anthonydipasquale.com said...

Heya- wine and popcorn- umm, you didn't say if it was some kinda flavoured seasoned popcorn (meaning toxic veg oils and God-forsaken additives) or if it was plain, popped on the stovetop, the old-fashioned way.

EAT for your muscles- do it man- think about your muscles when you are gonna eat and ask "do my muscles want this?" "is this food going to help me look ripped?"
see you tonight for a workout- we are gonna hit it hard! And ya, do a fast within the next day or 3.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen! That is a great idea. Going to reread my blogs today. I've been meaning to go back to the "Today is The first day of summer" one anyway as I know that one I have to pay attention to.

Anonymous: You can ask anything you want on here. I go to WW in Burlington for two reasons. First and foremost is Cindy. Having a leader you feel you connect with is critical and I feel a connection with her. She keeps me in check. Secondly I live downtown Toronto and true WW Centres around here don't exist. They tend to be in Churches etc., and I find it too noisy. People are trying to wiegh-in and are talking while the meeting is going on and it can be hard to hear what the leader is saying. For me, the trip to Burlington is my "me-time" once a week and it is worth it :-)

Unknown said...

I her ya Anthony. I will do a fast in the net couple of days...not today but I need to do it. It will be good for me. It wasn't overly seasoned or overly oil filled popcorn but wasn't plain either. It was the Orville Redenbacher SmartPop which is somewhere in between. Better for weight loss but ultimately still processed crap.

I do need to eat for muscles...next to no protein in yesterdays diet :-( See you later today to work out.

cdp said...

wine and popcorn sounds good to me .... he he ... though I have to say - I did alot better!
Sometimes it's good to remember that fish and something green is quick, easy and virtuous ... love from "your friend in Scotland"
Btw - are you familiar with Barbara Maccaroni - she runs a raw food business in Hamilton (she is my cousin Peter Ormond's partner) - they visited us in the New Year and I LOVED her! She does workshops in creating wonderful meals and treats from healthy, organic, local produce. Based on Ferrie St, Hamilton - check out her site - blove.ca (I think!). I am seriously considering asking her if she could give me an intensive course in catering her way (great excuse to come over for a bit!!!) eh???

Unknown said...

A great excuse and maybe a tax write off? I haven't heard of her but it sounds great! Will check out the website :-) Glad you doing well!

Unknown said...

That website www.blove.ca looks fantastic!