Saturday, June 5, 2010

Martini Anyone?!

Let the fun begin!!! The day has finally arrived. Today is the day of our annual Martini Party!

Starting at 2pm today about 100 very nice and relatively stable friends will begin to walk through my door, and by about 5pm today right through to about 2:00AM very unstable people will stumble down my stairs as they try to find their way back to the street. I am really lucky as I only have to find my way upstairs at the end of the night but I will have been at the party for the long haul so even finding the stairs may be a challenge.

I think we are about as ready as we can be and I am looking forward to it!

The party actually began last night as some friends from out of town arrived and stayed over. We went to our favorite Pub around the corner and I was anything BUT healthy. I had a burger and sweet potato favourite and I loved it! I will never worry about food from the time friends arrive for our Martini Party until they leave. It is my free time and if my weight is up next week I am cool with that. 

I have been pretty good until last night, and if I am good starting tomorrow I may not gain...if I do...then that just means I had fun! :-)

Hope you are all coming and I will see you soon!

I'm off to make devilled eggs. No gym time!

Be healthy!


P.S. Happy Birthday Quade!


Quade said...

Aw! Thanks Studly Do-Right! :-)

Unknown said...

I think that's studly do right ounce in a while but rarely :-)