Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What a difference a good work out can make!

I'm not going to pretend yesterday was a perfect day. I can't because there were no fruits or vegetables in it, but it was definitely a turning day. I feel so good and motivated again. I am ready to rock and roll!

What made the change? Two things:

1) The incredible support I got from people reading about my recent struggles, through posts on facebook, posts on the blog, emails and even phone calls!
2) There was something about my workout with Anthony yesterday that totally reinvigorated me. 

Before yesterday I had not only been eating crap but I had also been too busy to work out for three days. I didn't realize how much difference that makes. I never used to work out at all but I think I have reached a point where failing to do so really affects me mentally. It is something I simply must make time to do.

I am feeling really good right now. I realize I might be "up" again when I weigh in at WW today but it won't affect me because I know I have the right attitude again.

I am also going to try something new and see if it helps.

I think my biggest problem is carb cravings. 

Anthony, as I have mentioned in previous blogs, is a nutritionist who also teaches nutrition at George Brown College. He told me that there have been studies done that showed people with carb cravings often have  deficiency of Serotonin in the brain. When given 5HTP (which is a naturally occurring amino acid and a precursor to Serotonin) supplements without any explanation as to why, it was found that test subjects ate fewer carbs. He suggested taking Natural Factors 5HTP with breakfast lunch and dinner. I am going to give it a shot and see what happens.

Will keep you posted on what happens.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Good for you! I've been feeling lousy the last few days and haven't done my usual workout and I can notice the difference. Not sure what the scale is going to say today but no matter, I will get back to my regular exercise very soon.
Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

Man can I relate to you. Get back to your regular work out though...I promise you it will make a HUGE difference...mentally if nothing else but that is 90% of the battle :-)