Friday, June 11, 2010

Rationalized Stupidity

Do you ever rationalize something and ignore how totally and utterly stupid the rationalization is? I did that yesterday.

I have been insanely busy lately (hence the erratic timing of my blogs). The days are starting at 5:00AM and ending at 11PM and except for squeezing in the gym it is entirely filled with work. Yesterday I didn't even manage the gym.

As I was driving home I called Jamie to discuss dinner. It was clearly a "take out" night but I know a place that has wonderful large bowls of Chicken Soup that are really filling. I have no idea what the calorie count is but I have ordered it enough that I have noticed that it contributes to weight loss and not weight gain so from that perspective it is a good choice.

Jamie wanted Chinese and they are close by so I said I would get both. I should have gotten the soup first but I was feeling totally in control, healthy, and slim. The chinese takes longer so I decided to order that and then go and get my soup while Jamie's dinner was being prepared.

I stood at the counter waiting to order the Chinese Food for him and the damn smells overwhelmed me...this is where I got really stupid.

As I was ordering I thought...."they had that special in the is only one item and rice so that won't be so bad". So of course, I ordered Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs with Fried Rice. Not only was it a dumb choice but I realized after I left how truly stupid it was. The one item that I was NOT getting by ordering the special guessed it....the vegetables!

So it was a total crap dinner.

I'm not really worried as I have almost a week until I have to step on the scale again, but my splurge is done.

Tonight I am co-witness for a very small wedding (5 people) and we will be going to Canoe Restaurant afterward. It is very high end but I am pretty sure they have healthy choices. If I possibly can I will check the menu ahead of time.

Tomorrow I have a belated birthday dinner at our friends Naoko and Alberts, but Naoko always cooks healthy with good portion sizes so I am not too worried about that.

What I did was stupid...but it is done...moving forward now.

Be healthy!



Karen said...

Must say one of our favourite comments in this house is 'You can't fix stupid'. You mentioned recently that WW was a lifestyle and not a diet, and you must TRY to incorporate this lifestyle into your very busy schedule. What you did was not stupid, you just let your senses overcome your better judgement. You are on track and you can fix a few minor lapses, they will only just slow your progress not completely derail your progress.
Take care my friend, and try to find the correct balance you need in your life.
Oh - enjoy your weekend, you deserve a break.

Unknown said...

All I can say are sooooo right :-)