Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hard To Write About Food Today - G20 Vandalism Overwhelms Me

Sometimes things in our lives seem so much more important than food. Watching the city being vandalized on the news as the G20 continues is a bit heart wrenching. It is my home.

All is calm in the city right now, but sadly, it is not likely to remain that way. We are in for a day of more chaos and it really takes away the excitement of documenting a food journey. It seems so irrelevant right now. Shouldn't I just forget about writing about food today?

As I type this, however, I am also realizing that the very problem with food is not that dissimilar from the lack of motivation to blog on the topic.

How often do we eat simply because other things seem more important than our eating habits? The events of life seem to justify not caring about what we put in our mouths.

It truly is self-justification though. Just because something more important is happening it doesn't mean it is less important to pay attention to the things we need to pay attention to.

So I guess my message of the day, even for myself, is to pay attention.

Yes pay attention to the G20 news if it interests you (I know I will) but not at the expense of the things that matter to us personally. Pay attention to your loved ones, your home, and yes...your food. If we can hold our own lives together it can make the rest of the world easier to swallow.

Be safe...and be healthy.



Anonymous said...

Alan- that was a stunning blog this morning, thank you. You really describe exactly what we all need to be doing more of!

As said,we need to 'love ourselves' first to 'love others'.

The whole G20 chaos currently on the go in our awesome city is truly a reflection of man's madness today, it is 2010 yet this is what we have become !!! Agree fully that we need to start with ourselves, live a life that has positive significance to yourself and so in turn will impact others around you.


Janet said...

I'm glad you and J are safe. Was thinking about you being downtown this weekend.
I've been watching the going on's through Globe and Mail's live blog reports. I know that area very well, use to work there for the past 20 years.
I'm all for protesting, but it's a shame that a few have messed it up for the many.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for one minute that the people who did all that damage were from Toronto or cared much about protest. To me it looked like they were a bunch of yahoos looking to make a mess, not a point. The scary part was the 'tourists', people just down there walking around in the middle of it, some with dogs, others with kids.
Anyway, enough of my rant, Alan you are so very right. It does seem almost ridiculous sometimes that we spend so much time focussing on food but for those of us who have weight issues, it is what we have to do to be healthy and live our lives the way we want to.
We need to look after ourselves so that we can be around for a long long time.
Here's to a new week and the end of all the G 8 / 20 mania.
Welcome summer and Happy Canada Day!