Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do You Ever Feel Like It Is A Life Changing Day?

Yesterday felt like it was a life changing day for me. I can't say life has been horrible. It hasn't, but lately I have been feeling like I let life affect me. Yesterday I felt like I was coming back into a universe where I affect life. It is a great feeling.

The fact that it was the first day of Summer, a new beginning of sorts, definitely helped, as did the fact that when I look in the mirror my stomach seems to be shrinking at an incredibly rapid pace, but it was more than that.

I don't know what it was but the world felt positive and I felt positive.

We did an offer on a new Condo for my good friends Alejandro and Victoria last night and even though there were three offers and we sat outside the listing brokerage waiting for a response for over an hour, my instincts were telling me it was going to happen. It did happen. We just barely got it, but we got it. It is an amazing property with an incredible view and I am so happy for Alejandro and Victoria.

The closing date was set for my sister Sondra's Birthday, which I thought was good luck, and after we got it she happened to call me long distance sounding happier than I have heard her in a long time.

I think the stars are lining up and we are in for good times ahead, so jump on my "positive thinking" band wagon and find success with me. We all deserve it and it is time!

I am on day two of the "raw fruit and vegetable only" cleanse and so far so good. I am really hungry, I am not going to deny that. I even woke up at 2:00 in the morning hungry, but I feel great and I will make it through the three days.

I am becoming convinced 5-HTP works. I am hungry but I am not even thinking about breads, pastas and the like. The true crab cravings, which would normally be the first thing I crave, just aren't there.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Thats great, you are doing so well! I think if I gave up all those carbs my family would be trying to force feed them to me as I would probably turn into a raving bitch being so hungry...LOL
I know that I have been staying in my points but not eating as healthy as I should, definitely not enough vegetables. I think a trip to the market might be just what I need to get some good fresh veggies in the house.
Have a great day, keep up the super attitude!

Unknown said...

I am just going to assume that you won't be able to read this response until later in the day because you are at the supermarket loading up the vegetables.

Today is proving that positive breeds positive. A Vancouver agent just referred a client to me who wishes to sell two properties here. I am in the right frame of mind so I know I will get them sold!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Day three, you're almost there....you should have an incredible weigh in tonight.
My fridge is filled with wonderful fresh vegetables and I have a beautiful colourful salad for lunch today.

Unknown said...

That is awesome! The hunger has actually stopped for me so my body must be adjusting to fruit and vegetables only but that probably means it is going into starvation mode too and the metabolism is dropping. I do think the scales will show a huge weight loss for me tonight. Perhaps too huge to say in public as it wouldn't be considered a "safe" rate of weight loss even though I do think cleanses are healthy every now and then...we will see how it goes tonight.

Had internet issues today so haven't done my blog yet but will do it shortly.