Monday, June 14, 2010

Call For Help

I'm in trouble. I am not eating well and was not able to snap myself back into place over the weekend. Until late last night I had actually decide to pretend I was healthy on the blog (didn't want to admit it) and then basically starve myself until weigh -in so it balanced out.

Fortunately, common sense prevailed and I realized I would not only accomplish nothing I would destroy the integrity of my blog...even if I was the only one that knew it.

I think there is only one way to deal with that, and that is to get back to tracking and posting. If I write down everything I eat and post it on this blog I can't avoid facing it.

I am still feeling good about myself so not heading for depression or anything...just very out of control.

Today MUST be a good day. I will make it one.



Anonymous said...

Hey Alan, glad that you decided to 'fess up and be honest on here. Just like the tracker...the only person we are fooling is ourselves if we aren't honest with it. So you've gone off track, it happens to all of us. Get out the tools and work on fixing the problem. The tracker, the scale (for your food) the measuring cups, what ever it takes! Just the topic last week, become a newbie again, work the program like you know nothing, follow it to the letter and it will work for you. You know how good it feels to be in "One-derland" you don't want to lose that.
You know you can do it! Its not easy but is so very worth it.

Unknown said...

Becoming a newbie makes total sense! I am being good so far today. Had q healthy breakfast (two poached eggs on WW whole wheat bread) and tracked it. Jamie and I went to T&T (its like an Asian Loblaws) and bought really healthy foods. We came home and made a delicious 2.5 point fish ball and noodle soup with fat free chicken broth for lunch. So far so good!

Cdp said...

That is so honest Alan - it has to be admired and you're right - if you're doing this this right, then you'll only be trying to fool yourself ... where is the sence in that??!
Well done you - honestly is the best policy!
Btw - I just don't know what's up with me - can not get my head into the groove at all!!!
Big sighhhhh ... ahh

Unknown said...

So lets you and me decide to start tracking honestly and start now. We can do this!

cdp said...

..... oh .... ok ..... starting today ....

Unknown said... I am guessing since you are in the UK which is five hours ahead You have already tracked your breakfast right? Just making sure :-)