Thursday, June 24, 2010

Holy Weight Loss Batman!

Weighed-In at Weight Watchers last night and I was down 5.4 pounds! Amazing what cutting out the worst carbs and doing a three day cleanse of "raw fruit and vegetables only" will do. The trick now is to keep it off. I am only about 12 pounds off Weight Watcher's (and Health Canada's) guidelines for maximum weight for my height now. Almost there!

I think I will get there...wait...I mean I KNOW I will get there. With my promise to post a pic of myself with my shirt off on July 4th I have some pretty good motivation to continue on the good track.

I will still remain off of rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes until July 4th as promised.

I have been contemplating whether or not this would be considered an unhealthy rate of weight loss. On the surface the answer is yes, but an AVERAGE weight loss of 1 - 2 pounds a week is supposed to be healthy and if I take the average of my weight loss over the past 8 weeks it works out to 2.15 pounds/week. We all go up and down, and I am down more than usual this week because I made a couple of temporary but healthy changes like the cleanse. I think I am ok.

I'm not going to the gym this morning as I have work to do (and it is absolutely pouring out). When I don't go in the morning I usually fail to go later in the day so I am going to commit to doing it on this blog and report back that I did tomorrow. Hopefully that will make me go.

A special note to my friend "P" at WW last night. I know you worked real hard last week and didn't see the result you wanted but hang in there and it will show next week. You will reach the big 50 and be so happy you stuck with it.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

So what did you go eat after WW?
After three days of only fruit & vegetables I would think that a big rare steak would be calling your name!

Unknown said...

It was really hard but I convinced myself that three days had to mean three full days so I stuck to fruits and veggies until this morning.

I had an omelet for breakfast but I think a honkin steak is most definitely on the dinner menu. Can't wait!

Is it still too early for dinner? LOL

Anonymous said...

Steak & eggs for breakfast, thinly sliced steak salad for lunch, big thick filet for dinner covered in fried onions & mushrooms.....steak all day! And maybe a little wine to go with it....thats fruit isn't it?
Good for you for finishing up the final day, your dedication is amazing.

Unknown said...

well...its not always but thank you!