Friday, June 18, 2010

Healthy Healthy Healthy

Man was I healthy yesterday. I had yogurt and fruit for breakfast,  turkey, a beet salad and mushrooms for lunch, and then chicken and an amazing vegetable salad with tangerines, kale, various peppers, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins and a host of other veggies for dinner. In the evening I had a protein shake with strawberries and milk.

Not a single "bad carb" went in my mouth so I have survived day one of the 17 day countdown to July 4th without potatoes, pasta and bread (I am also adding rice to the list).

For the WW readers out there, I was totally within point range and checked off every healthy guideline item except whole grains (I didn't have grains at all but that's the plan for the next couple of weeks)

The 5HTP does seem to be helping to reduce the carb cravings although I must admit I am quite hungry now. Will have to have breakfast soon.

I am off to the gym and another busy day.

Have a great Friday and be healthy!



Karen said...

I must say that you have got me thinking. Maybe we are too busy looking at the big picture when it comes to setting our goals. Perhaps we should be taking 'baby steps' towards our goals, such as you are now with your 17 day count down. So.. instead of saying I want to lose a total of so much weight by a certain time if we break it down to wanting to achieve a smaller goal within a certain time period for a something that is important to us, it may be easier for us to stay on track. If we shorten the time period for reaching attainable goals it is not as easy to say tomorrow or the next day I will get back on track, because we will have less time to get to our 1st goal.
Thank you again for your blog and for everyone that is contributing as I am learning and putting more thoughts into how to manage my goals too.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen

THis is definitely something I am learning. WW has said for years to set smaller goals that seem attainable but I always felt that didn't apply to me as my end weight goal always felt attainable.

I am not learning that although it may indeed be attainable I may never get there if I don't have "mini goals" to focus on.

You are absolutely goals don't leave room for "doing it tomorrow". I think it is equally important to make sure they are realistic and attainable goals though.

If you set a mini goal and then fail to achieve it then it might backfire.


Unknown said...

It's a hungry day...but hangin in:-)