Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Boredom Factor

I really need to find new ways to enjoy myself. It seems everything in my life is centred around food.

We like to go out to eat with friends or have people over for dinner, but that usually involves bad choices and copious amount of wine.

I want to try to cool it for a while...but cooling it can be boring.

It is definitely healthier, and definitely better on the pocketbook...but not so much fun.

This, however, is a sacrifice I am willing to make for a while. Until I find stability at home, food-wise, I don't want to challenge myself in the outside world too often.

We are having a lunch with friends on Thursday and having a couple over for dinner Friday night so it is not like I am a complete hermit. Friday will be the first time my lips have touched alcohol in 2011. For those who know me I know what you are thinking....shocking! It is true though.

How sad my life has become when not drinking wine for a couple of weeks feels like it should be an entry in the Guinness World Book Of Records!

We do want to watch the pocketbook right now so I think it is a good thing.

I started tracking all my expenses on Quicken. It really is amazing how fast the money goes out the door. I want 2011 to be the year of being at least a LITTLE smarter.

So...healthy eating it is for now...but feeling a tad bored. I am 100% on track though and that makes me feel great!

Care to inspire me?

Be healthy,



Anonymous said...

Hey Alan,
I know exactly what you mean. Being home and in control of everything does make it easier, but it isn't real life and the boredom will drive you nuts eventually. WW teaches us that we can live within the plan, we just have to exercise control when we are in those situations. You have done so well with your food so far this year, don't be afraid to break out a bit. With all the exercise you are doing, and as long as you are continuing to track, you will be fine.
I haven't been able to get back into tracking with the new plan. It seems to have stalled me at a time when the season and work were at such high pressure levels I couldn't deal with the program switch at all. Things have started to calm down a bit so I got back to my exercise on Monday for the first time in two weeks. I am reading the info on Points Plus and am determined to start my new three month tracker this Thursday and stick with it.
Your comment about the spending hit a button with me. I have tracked every nickel I've spent since my divorce because I was nervous about being able to 'make it' on my own. I have spreadsheets for the last six years and call tell you what I spent on groceries, haircuts, clothes, you name it, for all that time. If I can track that, I should be able to take the time to track my food as well. (If only I had a debit card so that everything I ate was that visible)
I have heard people talk about the new app for Points Plus. I might have to hijack my sons' iTouch and check it out, or maybe splurge and buy my own.
Have a great day!
M. WW.

Unknown said...

Hey there!

Thanks for the encouragement. It is what I needed. This Thursday for lunch will be the first venture out into the real world, but Friday night dinner with friends will be the real challenge I think. It is at our place so there is SOME control, but Jamie is cooking dinner and he has been so good about eating what I want the last two weeks I really think I should let him make what he likes. I will just have to be careful how much I eat.

I think once you get into the new program you will really like it. If you really find the tracking hard try the Simply Filling Technique. I think doing the normal plan first is important but Simply filling is drastically more sustainable for me.

The WW app is great but I wouldn't go out and buy an itouch JUST for that. It is really just etools on your phone, so if you are around a computer a lot it may not be necessary. I love the app, but I am at my computer so much I honestly rarely use it.
