Saturday, January 22, 2011

"BLTs" and "The Stuff Dreams Are Made of"

I fell into the BLT trap yesterday...the land of "Bites, Licks, and Tastes".

I was preparing some staples for the house. I made Chicken stock, some bread made from Spelt, Kamut, and Oats called "Rock Awesome Bread" (but it isn't hard like a rock), and homemade Peanut Butter.

Of course I was fine with the chicken stock, but as I was making the bread I found myself tasting the dough (the texture was more like thick cookie batter than dough so it isn't as gross as it sounds) and then testing the peanut butter...repeatedly.

Naturally, after it was all made I had to also have toast with peanut butter on it.

No regrets but the amount these BLTs added up to was not exactly what would be considered in the realm of "weight loss territory".

It seems no matter how much I hear about those dangerous BLTs I seem to forget all about them when it matters. Ahhh well...onward and upward.

I am not sure if the Peanut Butter was a trigger but I went straight from that into candy cravings. We watched an episode of "The Good Wife" that we had recorded, and in it a character is consoling himself by eating a bowl of left over Halloween Candy. The candy itself wasn't appealing (you know that stuff that is shaped a little like a curved Hot Tamale but it Orange and White and nothing but sugar) but as I was watching the show all I could think was...."I want that candy!". This kind of surprised me as I really haven't been craving any sugary foods for a while.

I didn't have any candy in the house (thank goodness) but the cravings clearly stayed with me as I woke up from a dream this morning where we had gone on vacation to some place we had stayed at before, and in the room I found unopened Christmas Gifts we had bought for people but had never delivered to them. In the dream, Jamie was sleeping and I realized all the gifts were candies. When I awoke I was opening the gifts, stuffing the candies down my throat while simultaneously hiding the excess in my underwear drawer so I could eat them all weekend without Jamie knowing.

What a dream!

I am not sure if all this means I should give myself a taste of sugar to satisfy the craving. Doing that, however, could lead me down the never ending path of destruction.

I will resist and be strong.

Be healthy!


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