Sunday, January 23, 2011

Change It Up

Are you doing the same thing all the time?

I try to change things constantly but sometimes habit takes over.

I realized that at the gym the other day. On my "weight training days" I always mix it up, but for the longest while now on the cardio days I do elliptical and then I do elliptical and then I do elliptical.

It is not only boring, after a while it doesn't produce significant results. Your body knows what to expect and it is also knows how to adapt to handle it. If your body knows how to handle what it is getting, it doesn't make any effort to change.

You want change right?

I think the same can be said for food. I think if you eat the same things day after day after day, you not only get bored but your body doesn't get the "shock" it needs to change gears.

Sure if you eat too few calories you will probably still lose weight, but not in a healthy way. If you keep mixing things up I would wager to bet that even if you eat a few more calories your "fire" is staying stoked and you still lose weight.

So I changed up my exercise two days ago. I did what I call "Circuit Cardio".

I still did elliptical for a bit but then I raced over to the bike and did that for a bit and then I raced over to the rowing machine and did that for a bit, and finally ended up on the stepper. I felt so much better afterward . I felt like I had ACTUALLY exercised instead of pushing myself through the daily motions.

With exercise you can probably get away with doing the same machine as long as you use it differently. At our gym we have a different type of elliptical machine that is hardly used. It is called "Octane". If you exercise at a gym I suggest looking for it at your gym. It is an elliptical that you can set on "Xmode". All Xmode does is tell you to use the machine differently. Do it normally, do it in reverse, do it fast, do it slow, do it squatting, do it fast and in reverse and squatting. You don't need an "Octane" machine" to do this. Any elliptical will do if you send yourself your own instructions. I did this yesterday and was thoroughly exhausted when I was done. The same type of machine...but a major change.

So my suggestion is find something to do different. Exercise, food, whatever. Why not have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner tomorrow? There really are no rules...just traditions. Go on...go wild!

Mix up your body and you get results. That is what I believe.

Be healthy!


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