Monday, January 17, 2011

To Stick To Plan Or Not To?

My stomach is almost back to healthy. It's still slightly quirky but I am 95% of the way there.

It created an interesting scenerio from a WW perspective.

Yesterday I didn't eat all that much but what I did eat was mostly dry bread type stuff. I just felt like the stomach acid needed to be absorbed.

If I had been on the normal WW plan I really wouldn't have an issue. I would be pretty much within my daily points allowance.

With the "simply filling" technique, however, you don't get daily points you only get a certain amount of weekly points. Over the weekend I used them all.

So...the question I put myself on a strict "Power Foods Only" diet as the plan would dictate, or do I just return to life as normal and not worry too much about it.

My initial instinct was to simply return to life as normal. The deprivation/indulge cycle is what ultimately gets me into trouble.

Having re-looked at the their new Power Foods list, however, there is no reason why I can't eat Power Foods only without feeling deprived.

So I will try to stick to plan....but I won't be silly about it. Health first...weight loss second.

Be healthy!


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