Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm Going Through MANOPAUSE!!!

I swear I am.

I don't really have mood swings but I get hot flashes, feel tired a lot, and burst into tears for absolutely no reason.

Life is good right now. I have nothing to be upset about, and I am not upset, but I can be walking up the stairs or standing at the toilet and a wave of tears hits me. It lasts about 30 seconds. I wasn't upset before...I'm not upset after...but for a thirty second period...the flood gates open. Completely irrational.

I did google "Manopause", which is more formally known as Andropause. It apparently hits about 30 - 40% of men around my age.

To be honest though...Andropause is the result of testosterone reduction, but I don't think I have that. If anything I have been doing stuff that causes an increase in Testosterone levels...and frankly...the sex drive hasn't gone down which is a primary sign.

I am actually wondering if the same types of symptoms can occur if you actually trigger a a change in the other direction. I have added all of the following to my life:

1) Increased Proteins
2) Increased Fruits and Vegetables
3) Increased Exercise
4) Increased Whey
5) I am taking the Amino Acid "Gaba" as a supplement which is also naturally made by the body and can increase Human Growth Hormone.

All of these things can INCREASE Testosterone levels.

So...maybe it is "manopause"...but perhaps is better described as self-induced manopause caused by a hormonal imbalance in the opposite direction from what is normal.

So "Don't Cry For Me All My Bloggies...the truth is I'll never leave you...though it may get harder...for you to hear me...I'll soon stop crying...and then you'll hear me" :-)

Be healthy!


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