Thursday, January 6, 2011

Motivation Prevaled

Real happy today.

I  weighed-in for the first time "post-christmas", and I am down. I am barely down (only .2 pounds) but it is down for the first weigh in after the holidays. It shows I am on the right track!

I also managed to stay strong with what I consider to be extreme willpower yesterday by forcing myself to eat normally pre weigh-in, and by keeping myself from indulging post weight-in.

The real success was with dinner though. My cousin Barb, who also attends WW, asked me if I wanted to go for dinner after the meeting. I felt strong, and hadn't had dinner yet (although it was waiting for me at home) so I said yes, but was...well...a bit afraid.

I was afraid because dinners at restaurants are usually my big downfall.

After we ate I was so relieved. We went to a Japanese Restaurant, I ordered Miso Soup, Sashimi, and Salad. I asked them to put the dressing on the side ( I hardly touched it) and also instructed them to skip the rice.

I had an enjoyable meal, didn't miss a thing, and left feeling like I had my health in tact.

Things like this make me so happy.

I's sad....I need a life LOL.

Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with the leftovers in my refrigerator that were supposed to be my dinner. They may actually get divided up and become a couple of breakfasts. The food is all what WW would call "Power Foods" and there is no rule that says you can't have dinner for breakfast. My nutritionist friend Anthony has Turkey for breakfast all the why not?!

Some really good friends returned to WW yesterday after a December absence too. It was real nice to give them a big hug (two actually). It is such a great group of people.

I'm ready for a new healthy day. How about you?

Be healthy!


P.S. Doesn't Jennifer Hudson look amazing?!!!!

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