Thursday, October 21, 2010

Perhaps The Toughest Lesson To Learn

Yesterday I was quite taken aback by a blog post. I wasn't offended at all, I just wasn't sure where it was coming from.

I had done well the past few days and had said in my blog that I was super motivated. The response was from a good friend in the nicest, and most well meaning way possible, telling me to stop making excuses.

At first, I honestly didn't know where it was coming from.

I had been concerned recently about my "success" not being what I wanted it to be, and about losing a few readers because I keep wobbling back and forth, but I also know that at the end of the day, excuses or not, that is part of the journey that 99% of us go through. It isn't as easy as simply deciding to do it and doing it.

So where was the comment coming from? This blogger was personally familiar with this type of  journey and the struggles associated with it, so it wasn't from someone who has never had this type of issue simply telling me to "get over it and do it"...although...yes...that is the ultimate message.

The same message from someone who understands and someone who doesn't is very different.

Then I realized what she was saying, or at least I think I did. If I am wrong she can tell me so but I hope I am right because it was one of the most insightful revelations I have had and it has resulted in a great deal of personal reflection.

Like everything else though, the answer is sometimes amazing in it's simplicity.

In my blog yesterday I had briefly mentioned that losing weight in order to wear a shirt I have a goal to fit into November 3rd was going to be tough because I was going away to a cottage and halloween was also just prior.

I think this is what spurred the comment.

You see, I think I have a problem. Actually, I think many of us struggling with weight loss have a problem.

We view our lives, and our success, in terms if what events will make it a good week or a bad week. We think things like: "I can't possibly have a good week this week because I have three functions to attend", or "I am going away this weekend so being good will have to start Monday".

It separates our chosen lifestyle from our life. It gives us permission to do things we would not normally do in the name of "enjoying life" while dismissing the life that we spend the rest of the time telling ourselves is so very important to us.

The real lesson is to figure out how to navigate through these events while staying as close as you can to your NEW true self. I am not the person I was so I should not become the person I was a few times a week, or when I go away for a weekend.

Does it mean I have to be perfect? No.

Does it mean I need to be forever in the "present", know who the "new" me is at all times, and make my decisions accordingly. Yes.

I am not sure if that was the real message behind the blog comment yesterday, but that almost doesn't matter. It is the message I received and it is possibly the most important one I have received to thank you for that.

I was down one pound yesterday.

Be healthy!



Karen said...

Congrats on losing again. Yes, you did get what I was trying to say yesterday, and I was definitely not tryng to offend you in anyway. Try to remember what you said in your blog this morning as your journey continues -
"Does it mean I have to be perfect? No.
Does it mean I need to be forever in the "present", know who the "new" me is at all times, and make my decisions accordingly. Yes."
We all make bad food decisions from time to time, and it could be so that we 'Appear' to be the same as everyone else, who are eating what they want when they want. One good thing is that unlike someone who is AA and can not have a beer or glass of wine to enjoy, we can occasionally in moderation, or a diabetic who would love a big piece of cake with ice cream, we can have a sliver of cake and some low fat frozen yogart.
I know I am rambling on again, but we have choices that some do not, now we just have to be, as you would say 'true to ourselves', and make the correct choices.
Take care my friend (I hope we still are).

Unknown said...

We most definitely are. A true friend is one who supports you but challenges you and makes you think. It is not a person who simply agrees with everything you say.


Anonymous said...

All I am going to say is "ARE YOU WORTH IT?

And you know who is writing this....

Unknown said...

I do indeed :-)