Sunday, October 17, 2010

Healthy Night Out

Last night I went to Hamilton to attend The Hamilton's Player's Guild's closing night production of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

One of the primary reason's for going to see the show was to see Tom Mackan perform. He is  a man I admire greatly as an actor, and he is also a contributor to this blog (though usually via postings on my facebook page). As always he was outstanding. Tom, is to Hamilton Theatre, what William Hutt was to The Stratford Festival.  A truly gifted actor whose talents I consider myself blessed to have enjoyed.

He told us at the "after party" that he believes this show will be his swan least as far as large roles go. Although I do hope that this will not truly be the case, if it was I am thrilled that I was able to be there to witness his final big performance.

It seems to go without saying, however, that a night out at the theatre isn't complete without a dinner out with a the food challenge existed yet again.

I was with my good friend Wendy and as I sat at The Gown and Gavel I came sooooo close to convincing myself that because the burger on the menu said "100% Sirloin" it meant that it would be a totally healthy choice. I managed to allow myself to conveniently forget about the bun, the toppings, the cheese, and the Fries that it came with (yes...salad was an option...but you know I would have chosen the fries).

Thank goodness Wendy kept me on track. I had the Vegetable Stir Fry, and it was delicious. Other than a few glasses of wine, I think I did darn well.

I know I keep repeating myself but it still amazes me that I come so close to choosing the wrong thing. One little word of encouragement and I would have been chowing down on that Burger and Fries. Why I am still so tempted? Will it ever go away? I hope so. I doubt it. One of those continual challenges I must live with I suppose.

I did exercise restraint on my own too though. Wendy had a delicious looking Carrot Cake with icing for dessert. It was huge and she couldn't eat it all, but not only did I not order dessert, I didn't even try a bite of hers.

All in all a great night out. Was good to see other people I knew from the past like Margaret Houghton and Pat Howlett too. Memories....light the corners of our minds....

Be healthy!


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