Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I guess hungry days never really go away

I had a hungry day yesterday. I was hoping that now that I am eating more balanced they would go away...I guess not...sigh.

I kept it reasonably under control. I definitely ate more than usual but I kept it healthy and at least within semi-reason.

This hungry day was a bit different thought. Usually when I get attacks like this I just want to eat everything in sight and then at the end I feel like a beached whale.

This time I was definitely hungry, it felt a LITTLE more controllable, but what was really different was that I felt like my metabolism was going a hundred miles an hour. I am not sure if it was happening or not, I hope so, but it felt more like my body needed the food more than I wanted the my body just needed to burn burn burn. Maybe that is yet again another excuse. Hard to know.

Hopefully it did burn and I don't suffer too much on the scale.

I can't go to Weight watcher's tonight as my good friend Sue is coming into the city to see the show "Wicked". We will not see the show ourselves but will be meeting up with her and one of her daughters after the show. I am really looking forward to it. I promise you this is NOT avoiding the scale because of yesterday. As my friend Sue will attest, this was planned a week ago.

My friend Albert and I have committed to going to the Weight Watcher's meeting in Burlington Friday morning at 8:15AM so I will still make sure I weigh in and report back on how I did.

Hoping my friend in Scotland, CDP. hasn't had too bad a week. She was visiting her daughter in Italy last week, but is facing the scale again tomorrow morning. Keeping my fingers crossed for her!

To those at tonight's meeting...I will miss you but will be there next Wednesday with that shirt on I promised to wear. Jamie suggested last night that I take it to a tailor and get it expanded LOL. Even if that was possible (I don't think there is anything to expand) I wouldn't do it. I made my commitment to wear it next Wednesday and that is what I will do. By the way WW people, anyone know what happened to Alexis and her Mom? Haven't seen them at the meetings in a while and miss them.  Doing my best to get Albert back to the meetings. At least he has said he will go Friday.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Carol was at a meeting a few weeks ago and she talked about how she has been frustrated with some things about the program. I didn't have a chance to talk directly to her but haven't seen her since and it has been a lot longer since I've seen Alexis. There is the possibility that they are going to another meeting but once you become a Cindy junkie, no one else can compare.
I hear you on the 'hungry' days. They can be tough but having better choices close by can make them less dangerous.
See you next week.
Mys. WW

Karen said...

I hear you, and I would have to say the hungry days do not go away, and it is hard to tell what brings them on. I do try to get extra water into me, and try to chew sugar free gum to keep my mouth buzy. I also try to keep some knitting or crocheting close by to keep my hands busy. Trying to keep with my program of getting my 3 daily walks in at work and the exercise bike at home. I have a choice, if the weather is good - then long walks after supper - otherwise it is the bike.
Take care my friend, and let Jamie know you will fit into the shirt without having to have it altered.

Unknown said...

I really hope Caol and Alexsis come back. They are part of our family and I miss them. I personally don't believe it is a requirement to agree with everything WW says. I think the most important thing is the accountability of showing up once a week a d the support from people who understand.