Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting Your Exercise?

You may have noticed that I haven't spoken about exercise much in the past while. That is because I kind of "lost it" for a bit.

I have been back into it big time for the past week or so. What a difference it makes.

I think I got off track when I was sick and then after that I did it in a  half hazard kind of way. The steam room was more appealing then the gym equipment.

To be honest I thought I had the exercise thing down and I would never slip up on it again...but I did slip up...and I corrected it.

I will be honest. I don't love going to the gym. I don't really understand how anyone does. I do, however, love how I feel when I come out of the gym, and even when I am not losing weight I love the fact that my body is becoming more toned.

If you aren't exercising I really recommend that you start....even if it is only a little bit at a time. It will make a world of difference to how you feel...and to your health.

I'm still feeling great!!!

Be healthy,



Karen said...

Glad to hear that everything is getting back to your normal, as it was before you went away this summer.
I know that I do not get near enough exercise, but I do make a point of getting up from my desk and going for a walk with the dogs 3 times a day. Tonight I start back with the exercise bike, hopefully that will help as well.
Take care my friend - and I hope all of your meals turned out well for you.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen. The bike sounds great! Let me know how it went tomorrow. I really believe that every songle bit of exercise helps. One lady who posts here uses her lunch time to continually walk around her board room lunch table. Good for her! Doing everything we are able, when we are able, is the key I think.

