Saturday, October 16, 2010


I have to go off topic today.

I don't jump on the band wagon of whatever is "popular" very often anymore, but sometimes what is popular is also deeply, deeply, important. That is how I feel about the attention that is being paid to teenage bullying recently...or any bullying for that matter.

I don't believe for a second that the recent string of teenage suicides is unique. The only thing unique about it is that the media has picked up on it and finally given it the attention it has always needed so very much. I don't believe it is a "gay" thing either, although any child or teenager who demonstrates even the slightest illusion that they MIGHT be gay will almost definitely be the victim of bullying from someone...yes...even today...and yes...even in urban centres.

The media, and celebrities, have done something so very important. It does not matter whether it is the "in thing" to talk about or not. It is so critically important to talk about.

Ellen DeGenerous made a heartfelt plea to stop bullying. It is obvious when watching her, that for Ellen, this was not about celebrity and attention. Her feelings were, and are, very real.

She can be viewed by clicking the play button on the video on the right hand side of her website:


Anderson Cooper has been running a special broadcast on the issue on CNN and the other day a city councillor made the following very real, and very emotional speech reaching out to those who may, at this moment, be thinking of ending their lives. His message was..."It gets better". See clip below:

It Get's Better

I too was bullied and beaten as a teenager. I remember being held down underneath my bicycle on my birthday and having my new birthday shirt ripped off of me as I was punched. I understand that one of the people who did this to me is now in jail for murder. We may think, as adults, that these fights are just "kids being kids". It can be so much more serious. It amazes me how raw these emotions still are after all these years. I am not sure one can ever really "let go".

We may not be able to let go, but we can move on. Just as the city councillor in the video clip above does get better. You find friends, you accomplish things in life, and most importantly, you find happiness.

I think this message needs to be delivered to anyone out there who is feeling bullied right now. Hang in there and it will get better. It can even get great! I hope everyone does all they can do to make sure that this message is delivered.

Celebrities and the media are using their power for a good and very important cause. I cannot reach people on anywhere near the same level, and I would imagine that you cannot either, but by at least trying to reach out, I hope I can reach one person. I hope you can find a way to reach out too.

I know that today's blog doesn't have anything to do with weight loss...aside from perhaps the very real possibility that my love of food stemmed from my lack of belief in myself when I was young. It was a way to escape.

This message is more important than any weight loss or health message can ever be.

Let's pay attention to what is happening around us, and do everything we can to not only stop bullying but protect those who are bullied.

I am throwing myself out there. If anyone knows anyone, or any way, they think I can help someone, let me know and I am there. Life has to be about more than oneself.

Be there for someone. If nothing else, please where purple Wednesday October 20th and show people you care:

Purple Day

Be accepting of the beautiful diversity in all of us.



cdp said...

Please do not tell me that I knew any of your bullies ... (bastards ...)

Unknown said... I don't think you did. Different schools when younger and you were gone by high school.

cdp said...

Good - no one from the neighbourhood then ... :-)