Saturday, October 9, 2010

Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you...

....but all you have to look at me to know that....ev....ery...word...issssssssssssss....truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue.

Sometimes I think I do say too much. Sometimes the blogs seem to never end. I can't stop typing. Do we still call it typing? God I'm old.

Old enough to have been in high school the first time I heard those first few words from my blog. They are from the musical Evita and I saw it with my friend Sue, while on a high school trip, when the original production was playing on Broadway starring Patti Lupone and Mandy Patinkin. Another friend, Lynn Phelan, was on the trip too.  She was our teacher/chaperone. It was sooooooo long ago. I still remember that it was my first broadway show....the curtain came up...and it started with the funeral. I was blubbering within sixty seconds and just is broadway!  God I'm gay. LOL

The words do ring true for me. Sometimes I do feel like I say too much...and yes...sometimes there IS nothing more I can think of to say to you. I may end up sounding like a broken record but I do always think of something. Even the "broken record" I sound like is part of real life. Sometimes this journey is like a broken record....we just keep starting over again. We are willing to do it though, because no matter how broken the record may be...when we play the music...we feel fantastic.

Tonight I am going to the Stratford Festival, with Sue and her husband Ivan (who I used to work at Dominion Stores with in High School days) and Jamie, and another good friend John from high school. Guess what we are going to see...Evita! I'm so Frickin Excited! Almost as excited as this guy: Fricken Excited!

We are going to dinner first and I have been real good. Checked out the menu, figured out what I am going to have, and calculated the points. As you know I have been struggling lately. Was NOT good again yesterday. Sometimes it really pisses me off that I am not just "GETTING IT" once and for all.

I am going to get it today though. I am going to be so happy I did when I write my blog tomorrow that I will be "rainbow magical colours" (more Evita).

How gay can I get? LOL

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

I have to laugh...I also saw Evita on Broadway on a high school trip. I couldn't tell you who was in it, but I know I have the showbill in a box of yearbooks etc. I was just po'd because I wanted to see David & the Technicolour Dreamcoat, starring my teenage love, David Cassidy! Nobody would go with me and getting their in NYC on my own was unthinkable, so I sat through Evita, unfortunately not appreciating it the way I should have.
Enjoy yourself tonight, have a great time!

Unknown said...

I saw Donny Osmond (my teenage love but I pretended it was Marie back then) in Joseph and the Amazing Techincal Dreamcoat. It was fun.

When you check your showbill I bet you saw Patti Lupone and Mandy Patinkin, Two amazing actors. You may know Mandy Patinkin from Chicago hope or Barbara Streisand's love interest in Yentl. Patti Lupone was the mother on the series Life Goes On (with the Downs Syndrome kid Corky...remember it?). She also won the best actress Tony Award for Gypsy a couple of years ago.

Anyway, if you saw it, you did indeed see a piece of Broadway History. Mandy and Patti still team up to perform together occasionally (but not doing Evita songs). We saw them perform together in Toronto last year.

P.S. Someone confessed to being you, but it turns out it was a different I still don't have you figured out...I have a suspicion though.


cdp said...

Did you fight Sondra for the posters or did you buy the mags atc pretending they were for her?
All so interesting!
And, btw - just how gay can you be - Evita!!!! Lol - hope you had a blast!