Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Long Weekend, Butter Tarts, And A Cute Butt :-)

The long weekend is now upon us. One of the hardest times of summer to handle I think. It is a time to celebrate, and often a time of food and drink.

This weekend is no exception for me. We had a friend over for dinner last night, I am meeting friends out at a bar tonight (which I next to never do anymore) and tomorrow night is dinner at another friends. This is dangerous stuff for the foodaholic.

So far I am doing ok. I did drink a bottle of wine last night but I ate pretty healthy, and watched the portion sizes. The true accomplishment though was NOT eating any of the butter tarts that were out. They looked so delicious but I knew if I ate those it would really hurt my chances of making my August 11th weight loss goal. I resisted and I survived. Kind of proud of myself. They looked sooooooo good.

I think the best thing we can do for ourselves, is watch what we eat when we are NOT socializing. It goes right back to my Today Is The First Day Of Summer blog which I think I have said a million times is my favourite blog. We know events will happen so we MUST control everything around those events or we will be in a free fall.

The best part of last night came when our friend told me I had a cute butt now. It made my day. When I lose weight the first thing to go is always my butt...eventually someone always says "you have no ass". It's very depressing.

This time around I have been doing a lot of gluteal exercises at the gym. Maybe it has actually worked! I just wish I knew a trick to help all you ladies who say they lose their breasts when they lose weight. Afraid I can't help you with that one!

Hope everyone has a great long weekend (if you are in Canada and have one). If not...just have a great weekend.

Be healthy!


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