Saturday, July 3, 2010

I cut my nipple!

OK...I'm in a bit of a state of panic.

I drove down Church Street yesterday and the muscle studs were already out everywhere with their shirts off and looking ripped. I suddenly felt nauseous thinking about the fact that I had committed on this blog to joining them today and then posting a picture of myself shirtless on this blog tomorrow. It felt like a really big mistake but I committed to it and I am sticking to it.

I actually don't hate my body...I just wish I had one more month!

I do know it is all in fun though so I am staying level headed and trying not to have a total meltdown.

Every now and then I decide to shave my chest (I'm happens!) and after taking a "pre"picture of my tummy when I blogged about "cleaning up your environment" on May 15th I decided that shaving was a necessity for this pic. So I shaved problem.

Yesterday I was at the gym and decided to do a bit of a "clean-up"...problem.

I went into the shower stall at the very far end for maximum privacy, closed the shower curtain, and went to town with the razor blade. At some point someone decided to use the shower next to me. I didn't hear him approaching but when he pulled the shower curtain open it startled me. I turned quickly like a kid caught stealing candy and guessed it...I cut my right nipple with the razor blade. Did you know they actually bleed quite a bit?

Now I have been at the gym with a razor cut to my face before and that is mildly embarrassing but trying to get from the shower to your locker and get changed without anyone noticing your nipple is bleeding is HUGELY embarrassing!

The only thought that was really running through my mind though was ...."great....this is going to look FABULOUS in that pic!"

Thank goodness for small mercies. I can feel the cut this morning but I can't see it. Whew!

Yesterday I ate a lot of food at my Food Preparation Course for the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and it was mostly grains. Good food but again...not great for the pic.

I got home around 4:00 and on the advice of my nutritionist friend Anthony I tried to counter-balance by only eating watermelon and celery last night. This is apparently very slimming.

Today I will have a small coffee to avoid the caffein withdrawal headache but other than that until the picture is taken (be at the corner of Church and Wellesley at 4:45pm if you want to watch me make a fool of myself) it is watermelon and celery only.

Wish me luck and be healthy!



Anonymous said...

hahahaha! ok, that was funny :)
Not so much for you, but for the reader!

Watermelon and celery = diuretics
Excellent piece of advice if you need to slim down in less than 24 hours.

Have a great day today!!! Can't wait to see you topless! Grrrrrr


Unknown said...

Glad somebody enjoys my warped sense of humour! In retrospect I thought it was pretty funny too!