Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fasting By Accident

Friday night I cheated and stepped on the scale (technically I am only supposed to do this once a week at Weight Watchers). I almost freaked! I was up almost 8 pounds from my official weigh in last Wednesday night!

I wish  I could say it was just the fact that it was a different scale but I have found my scale is pretty close to Weight Watchers.

I now know why we are only supposed to weigh in once a week. Usually fluctuations in daily weight don't bother me but with my August 11th goal of being 179 pounds I damn near had a heart attack.

I decided to make SURE yesterday was a perfect day so I went to the gym real early and did an extra long two hour work out. After finishing I had a freshly made juice drink of celery, parsley, spinach and some other vegetable (can't recall) with a vegan protein shot.

That was when all hell broke loose work-wise (in a good way) and I ended up racing the clock until about 10:30 last night. At around 5:00 I had another freshly squeezed veggie drink (carrots, broccoli and celery) but that was it.

Normally I would say this was poor planning and I should have eaten more, but every week or so I fast for at least a day and this is pretty much in line with what I would have done when I am fasting. The only real difference is that it kind of happened by accident. the end I am happy. I just stepped on the scale and I am still up but only by a pound. I can deal with that. My weight fluctuates both ways very rapidly.

I once went on a two week cruise and gained 21 pounds. People say this is impossible but I have Weight Watchers weigh-ins to prove it as well as a picture of me getting on the ship and a picture of me getting off...completely different people.

Did I mention I am going on a two week cruise the day after I reach my goal weight August 11th? I like to torture myself :-)

Today will be a challenge as we are going to a picnic on Centre Island. I think I have a good mind set and I will eat before I go since I haven't really eaten in about 24 hours now and shouldn't go hungry.

Wish me luck and be healthy!


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