Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Little Nervous Today + It's My 100th Blog!

Those of you who followed this blog in the early days know I have a "study" issue.

I think it dates back to University when I always studied for exams with Potato Chips and Coke. I needed the energy boost.

When I returned to school this year, at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, the problem resurfaced. Every time I had a test or exam I ate like crazy while studying.

Eating junk while studying nutrition is the epitome of idiotic I think. I am back in that same boat. I have a test tomorrow so it is going to be a day and night of pretty much solid studying. I will still go to the gym and to Weight Watchers because as far as I am concerned it is a necessity for me, but other than that is has to be a study day...a study day WITHOUT junk!

Just the fact that I have to weigh-in is probably going to keep me in-line during the day but I am honestly concerned I won't be able to study at all without the volumes of food.

There is SO much I need to know too. It took me two solid days just to read the sections of the texts we had to read, and now I have about 21 pages of class notes that I wrote down and need to memorize/understand. I don't think this particular class is really that hard...there is just a lot to know.

I intended to study last night but I had been up since 5:00AM and quite honestly after a day in class, I was just too tired. I went to bed real early though (8:00PM) and now, up at 5:00AM again, I am ready to go to the gym. Once that is over I have to hit the books until 3:30pm and then head to Weight Watchers, come home and start studying again.

After tomorrow's class the program breaks until September though so there is definitely a plus in all of this.

On a completely separate note, today I am celebrating the writing of my 100th blog! How time flies. I cannot tell you how rewarding it has been, and how much all of your input means to me. Last week when I went to our weekly meeting someone told me she had decided that she was going to skip Weight Watchers because she was having an angry day. Then she read my blog about "angry thin person" and knew she had to go. What better compliment can a person get than that!

It has come to mean so much, and I am so thrilled that that it means something to others too.

Wish me luck and be healthy!


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