Monday, July 26, 2010

A Weekly Weigh-In Is Mandatory For Weight Loss and Maintenance

OK...first of all I have to say I am back on track after my "day of eating" Saturday. I worked out hard Sunday and ate really really well. It feels good.

Even though I believe that weight is starting to play a secondary role for me in terms of importance it still plays an important role.

I would love to say that I got back on track because my desire to be healthy is so strong that it forced me right back in-line, but I would be lying.

The truth is I got right back on track because I know that come Wednesday night I have to step on the scale again.

The reality is, weighing in once a week keeps you in check. Having to be accountable to someone else, whether it be a person at a centre like Weight Watchers , a friend you trust, or to the "blog universe", acts as an incredible incentive.

I can't tell you how many times I have skipped the weekly weigh-in because I knew I would be "up" anyways (which can be embarrassing) but thought if I waited until next week I would be down for sure. It doesn't work. I have skipped weighing-in for almost two months before trying to make this work. It doesn't.

If you know in advance that you won't be able to weigh-in the following week it is even more dangerous. If I know I am going to have to miss the next Weight-Watchers meeting, you may as well give me a free pass to eat. It is for that reason that I have decided to make a commitment to weigh-in every Wednesday night, no matter what, when I am away on vacation. I will find a way to post my weight on this blog from whatever country I happen to be in while on my cruise.

So no matter where you choose to weigh-in, make no excuses, and weigh-in once a week. I will do this for the rest of my life. I know that making myself accountable to myself won't's too easy to find a reason to avoid if you are like me...make sure you weigh-in IN FRONT of someone you trust and someone who won't let you "skip it" for a week.

Trust me it works....and if you fall of track, knowing you have to get on the scale next week gives you an incredible incentive to get right back track.

Be healthy!



Pamela said...

I have company coming from Montreal on Wed. afternoon and I am leaving them in the house while I go to my WW meeting.

I have to be the priority in this journey.

Skipping a class is not even an option.

Anonymous said...

I haven't missed a weight in yet, not always Wednesday night but at some point during the day because as much as I know I have to make myself the priority, my kids have things that I won't miss out on.
I totally agree, the weigh in is so important. I can forgive myself for anything, I have to have that accountability to be there and have someone else write it down.
Good for you Pamela for putting yourself first. Your company will be just fine waiting for you.
Alan, weighing in during a cruise, that is some serious dedication.
Mys. WW.

Unknown said...

I agree with Mys. WW Pamela. Good for you!

As for you Mys. WW. Never missing a weigh-in? Incredible!

I am not sure is weighing in on the cruie is serious dedication or pure necessity. I am the guy who gained 21 pounds on a two week cruise once. This time I am on a two week cruise AND a week in England. It's kinda scary.