Friday, July 16, 2010

Hang Overs

I don't get hangovers very often but I have one this morning ...sigh.

I went out to my favourite Pub, The House on Parliament, last night and had too much fun. No regrets though.

I think I may have had an amazing breakthrough on the Pub front though. I ALWAYS order a Burger with Sweet Potato Fries when I go there. It's just what I have always done.

I know sweet potatoes are healthy but not fried in restaurant oil.

The thing is, last night I actually took the time to TASTE the fries...I usually just blindly gobble them down. Guess what? The really aren't that good. OK...but not great.

I am really hoping I remember this and order something completely different off the menu next time. They have great food and there ARE healthier options.

Today I am off to my second day of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition's Food Preparation Course.

Maybe it will knock some sense into me.

Feeling good and ready for a healthy weekend :-)

Be healthy!


Anonymous said...

Remember that day you overcame the bun on the plate and felt so amazing afterwards? That will happen again when you forego the fries and order something healthy. A beautiful salad may end up with the same points as the fries with all the stuff that might be on it, but your body is getting much more out of it from all the fibre etc that is in that salad. And you will get the satisfaction of having made a much healthier choice!

Anonymous said...

I actually tried sweet potato fries and did not like them. Thought they were overated!

The last time I was in Swiss Chalet I had saved 11 points for the fries. I had wanted them all week long.

What did I go when I ordered dinner - I ordered a baked potato and enjoyed every bit of it.

I just decided right there and then that they were not worth it.

Like Anonymous said a healthy salad would probably be the same points....

Have a great weekend - see less of me on Wednesday!

Unknown said...

"Not worth it" was definitely the message of the night last night.

I really think I am over the Sweet Potato Fries thing, and if I want them I will make them at home. A burger and a salad doesn't particularly excite me though so let's hope that I just end up skipping the burger too!

If I want a burger and sweet potato fries, I know how to make my own healthy version :-)

Thank you both for your comments. I agree with you both.

Congrats to "Anonymous 2" on ordering the baked Potato!

I tried to guess who the "mystery" anonymous was Wednesday night (the one who just lost 25 pounds and wouldn't be at last Wednesdays meeting because she was on vacation). The problem is that half the frickin room was on vacation last Wednesday! LOL.

I have a feeling I know who you are though...the mother of who I used to think it was...right?

LOL This is fun!