Thursday, July 22, 2010

We Are Not The Only Ones With Issues

Ok be honest. What was you first reaction when you read the title of this blog? What did you think it was about?

Do you think I am about to write about being sensitive to other peoples situations, or do you think it will be about how other people aren’t perfect either so just “get over judging us heavier people”.

I have a feeling most people would think the latter but you would be wrong.

I had two experiences yesterday that really made me think.

I am so caught up in my own challenges that people who have challenges that may be the exact opposite of mine I quickly dismiss. I don’t believe them to have value.

I was working out with a friend yesterday and he started talking to me about how much trouble he is having gaining weight. My immediate response was: “I hate you!”.  Another guy in the gym heard us talking and said: “ I can’t help but overhear your conversation and it is nice to know I am not the only one who can’t gain weight. If I could bottle my metabolism and sell it I would make a fortune”

My response: “I hate you both!”

I was joking of course and, yes, they laughed. They laughed in much the same way I have laughed when someone jokingly referred to my chubbiness.

Yesterday Quade responded to my post and mentioned that: “unless I eat frequently, the blood sugar drops and I get cranky, fast. So I also associate being thin with being angry, though for different reasons. It’s one of those downsides to being skinny that people don't think about.”

First of all I have to say it is really cool that thin people are also reading and commenting on my blog. I know of two who contribute regularly. I think we all have view points to share. I also hope someday we will see posts from someone doing a program other than Weight Watchers and that we can all be supportive of whatever journey a person is on without being judgmental. It is so easy to believe our program is the best. It is also so easy to believe our “issues” are the only ones that matter.

When I was in the Weight Watchers meeting yesterday I started to tell my story about the two guys in the gym. I didn’t even get to the “I hate you" punch line and you could see the entire room going …”oh man…I wish I had their problems”.

This isn’t being critical of the group in any way shape our form. It was the exact same reaction I had had myself only a few hours earlier, and if I was being honest part of me really does wish I had their problems.

It doesn’t make it ok though. As “unnaturally thin” people we have never walked in the shoes of a person who feels too thin. Even if they look amazing, as these guys at the gym did, we aren’t in their shoes.

I think the blog today is more of a message to myself with the vague hope that others out there might reflect on what I am learning.

I guess that is what it is all about for all of us…learning.

On a really positive note I was down 1.4 pounds last night so only 5 more pounds to goal! That is completely doable by August 11th (three weeks) and I am going to do it!

I would normally keep an anonymous person anonymous but there is one person out there who I am having fun trying to figure out and I think she is enjoying being sought. I think I may have figured it out last night. Are you “P”?

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

LOL....yes, I am enjoying the game, and no, I am not who you thought I was. When she started talking about being on vacation and then hitting her 25 lbs I knew that you would have bells going off and couldn't help but smile to myself when you leaned over to P and told her that you thought that was your Mystery WW. It was even funnier when the various hands started going up of other people who had also hit their 25 lb mark.
I was not one of them. I was up last night and although I know perfectly well that it was because I ate most of my weekly allowance points the night before, it still sucks when you see it and I don't want to get my 'bling' unless I am actually there.
So....keep guessing....I will tell you if you actually figure me out.

As for your topic, it is true, we do think our program is the best, and often most of us have tried others, which is why we keep on coming back, because we know it works. But it is also important to keep that open mind and realize that there are people out there struggling with what we would welcome. Everyone has their own battles to fight and we just have to remember not to judge.
Have a great day!
M. WW.

Unknown said...

Damn! But now I know you were sitting close to me :-)

If you ate most of your weekly allowance the night before I don't think "up" really counts. You were still on just weighed in too soon after a specific event.

I think the program is best too. At least the best "on mass" program although I think there could be better options if one had tons of money and could get REGULAR nutritional counselling. Then again...the group support would be missing.

I do think if we are honest a lot of programs are the same with different "twists". I personally think Jenny Craig is fundamentally the same program. Not much difference between our "filling foods" and thei "volumetrics". The main difference being that their food is prepared for you. I have done it and don't lean that way, but I can appreciate that we are all different.

You are exactly right "it is also important to keep that open mind and realize that there are people out there struggling with what we would welcome. Everyone has their own battles to fight and we just have to remember not to judge."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Are you an "M"?


Anthonydipasquale said...

What comes up for me is a deep deep problem humans have- we are never satisfied in our heads.

Talk to any hairdresser, and they'll tell you; the curlies wanna be straight. The straights wanna be curly.

What Yoga and Buddhism talk about is that we need to train our mind to stop yanking our chain, to stop dangling the carrot.

"I'll be happy when;
- I get that guy or gal
- I get that car
- I get that 6 pack
- I have bigger boobs
- I have smaller boobs
- I weigh more
- I weigh less . . .

It's an issue all humans have, one that I struggle with constantly. And in the struggle, we become stronger. Just like struggling against some nice heavy weights.

Unknown said... probably only really matters when it affects our health...too skinny or too plump probably isn't good from a HEALTH perspective. To a certain extent we need to take care of ourselves.

Its the vanity side that gets us in trouble...but I fall for it every time...I would even sacrifice health to look good...sheer stupidity...but reality.