Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just When I thought I had it all together!

I do have it all together. I just didn't yesterday.

I said in my blog two days ago that I knew I would still slip but I would not fall. Well, yesterday I took a HUGE slip.

I don't know what happened. Everything I had learned went out the window and I had the most incredibly bad day from a food perspective.

I was going to meet an old friend for lunch and I already knew that lunch might be a little "iffy" (that mentality right there was probably the start of my "slip").

I arrived at the lunch location half an hour early and started wandering around. There was a "Hero Burger" restaurant on the street and it had a sign in the window for milkshakes. They advertised a Caramel Shake that was supposedly all natural with no preservatives. The combination of my love for caramel and the advertised delusion of "health" resulted in my purchasing the shake. Yes, it was good.

I then went for lunch and ordered a pecan soy burger with fries. The bun was huge (at least it was whole grain) and I ate absolutely everything on the plate. After lunch I felt really bloated.

My next task was to drive over to a house I had listed for sale to put a "sold" sign on it.

I was walking to my car when I saw a Baskin Robbins. I recalled hearing on the radio that they were eliminating my favourite ice cream at the end of the month, Prailines and Cream.

I thought to myself..."I have to get back to healthy so if I don't have it today I will never have it again in my life" (as if no one else makes Prailines and Cream Ice Cream). Still, I was stuffed so I got in my car.

On the way to the house I saw another Baskin Robbins....still drove right past it.

By the time I was driving home, however, I wasn't as stuffed, and I drove in. Not only did I get the Prailines and Cream, I also added a scoop of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

Driving home, and feeling totally disgusting I resolved to not have dinner that night. There is no way I would want to eat again!

I don't even know how to explain where my head was at but I not only HAD dinner, the dinner in question was three slices of pizza.

Oh yes...I didn't go to the gym yesterday either. Maybe THAT was the actual start of it?

The only good in all of this is that I am still not the old me. This will not lead to a week of eating, nor will it lead to a day of starvation. It will lead to exercise and healthy eating today.

As huge a slip as yesterday was, it was only a day...and it will remain a day. I refuse to beat myself up over it.

Be healthy!



Pamela said...

I read this - and have done the same thing, one thing leads to another....
However, as I read it, your first clue to how the day could play out is that iffy feeling when you woke up. I get those days, and I am even more careful because before I even get out of bed I know it is going to be a challenging food day.
I try my best to eat healthy and if I find myself really wanting to go for it, I ask myself is it really worth it?
Personally, I would have stopped at Baskins too but gone for the 1 kid scoop in a bowl - not the cone.
I was in Walmart yesterday and they were giving ice cream samples and I had one and then went back and asked for a half of a sample.

I had no clue how many points it was until AFTER I ate it, and I did write it down when I got home.

I also BOUGHT a box or whatever they call it to bring home. I did NOT get into it last night which I am proud of.

No one is perfect, but watch when you get that iffy feeling - it seems to be the beginning of rough food day.

Hope this helps WW friend!

Anthonydipasquale said...

hey it's not the end of the world . . are you taking enzymes? They help minimise that bloated feeling, and also help reduce blood sugar, which reduces insulin, and thereby help reduce fat deposition.

Do pancreatin, 3 in the morn, and 3 more in the eve, plus more whenever you feel bloated.

And today, whatever you eat, be SURE to make fully half your plate veggies (potatoes don't count, neaither does corn)

Unknown said...

Thanks bud. I didn't take enzymes yesterday but did this morning and will tonight. The focus is definitely on vegetables today.

Pamela...your right. The "iffy" feeling gets you every time.

cdp said...

You are amazingly human (thank God!!) - I was thinking after reading your blog just how sorted you are! But actually - you are not only human, but honest!!! You are a legend and I love you all the more for it! Way to go!!

Unknown said...

and that, my dear friend cdp, is why I love you. You give me encouragement and that means SOOOOOO much! I REALLY wish I was in England longer so I could pop over and see you :-(

cdp said...

ME TOOO! But Bournemouth is about as far away from me as NYC is to you ...

Unknown said...

So sad :-( We are hoping to go back to England/Scotland 2011. I really hope we can make it happen!

Lea said...

I read your blog this am and was glad I did. Your honesty helped me to look honestly at my weekend and although it wasn't pretty as a ww follower I know being honest is the only way to go.
It goes to show you how those huge food advertisments do work. Iam trying to kick the diet cola addiction but everytime I go by a MacDonald's I am tempted because it's hot and they are only 99cents!
Trying to use an ice tea diffuser instead so I will see how that works.
Unfortunately,you had me with the Baskin and Robbins and then you mentioned my favourite flavours...but I WILL resist walking the five minute walk to satisfy this least until Wednesday after 7!
Thanks this is a very helpful site Alan :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Lea! I love it when I see a new name on the blog! Sorry my Baskin Robbins story may have created a bit of a craving for you but it sounds like you know how to solve it. Will Power often doesn't work but Skill Power does it every time, and Skill Power is not taking that five minute walk to be near a Baskin Robbins in the first place.

Now the question is, can you take different routes wherever you go to avoid passing a McDonald's? It may help and provide some additional exercise at the same time :-)