Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Question: Is it Will Power or Skill Power? Answer: Know Thyself

In a response to yesterday's blog, Lea mentioned that she was going to make a point of avoiding going anywhere near a Baskin Robbins for the next few days. She knew she would be tempted by the Prailine's and Cream Ice Cream and wanted to avoid being anywhere near it. That, my friends, is what I call skill power.

It reminded me of a disagreement I had with my partner, Jamie, a couple of years ago. I remember it was just before Christmas and there were several boxes of chocolate in the house.

I really didn't want to be tempted by them but didn't want to ruin other people's enjoyment of them either. I asked Jamie to hide them when guests weren't in the house. If he wanted them that was totally cool but I didn't want to know where they were. Jamie wouldn't hide them.

He said I had to LEARN how to have the willpower to resist. Let me tell you I was pissed. It must have been when I was going through one of those "angry thin person" phases that I was blogging about last week. I turned it into such a big deal that we didn't speak for days. It wasn't the best of Christmases

In retrospect my reaction was WAY too extreme, but I don't think I was wrong.

The bottom line is we have to know ourselves. Some people have very strong will power and can resist temptation. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. If I could resist temptation I probably wouldn't be addicted to unhealthy food in the first place!

For me it is all about skill power. Will power is a tough one.

Even last night, after we had already finished dinner, which was just a small portion of turkey with veggies, Jamie asked me of I wanted to go for a walk. I said yes, but then when we were walking he said he felt like going for Thai Food. I knew right away it was dangerous territory for me, but I said I would go and not eat.

When I was there I think I was able to demonstrate both my lack of will power and my skill power.

When it came right down to it, and we were sitting in the restaurant, I caved...I wanted food. Will power went right out the window. Miraculously however, skill power clicked in.

I perused the menu for something I COULD eat and ordered the chicken soup which came in a very clear broth with tons of vegetables. Overall I finished off the day without going overboard food-wise.

I know people who's convictions are so strong that if they say they are going to do something they will stick with until the end and do it perfectly. I am like that with my work, but not with my food.

Just the knowledge of myself makes things so much easier to handle.

Perhaps "Know Thyself" is the first commandment of weight loss.

Be healthy!



Anonymous said...

Once again you are absolutely right. We have to know our triggers so that we can do our best to avoid those foods. I would have to guess that Jamie has never struggled with weight issues. We have to be strong enough to deal with the constant barrage of food in our lives but also have the power to stand up to the people around us who, although usually with the best of intentions, push food on us or try to be the 'diet police'
We are the only ones who control what goes into our bodies and some days it is a battle we fight with ourselves but it is even harder when we have to fight it with the people around us.

Unknown said...

I guess I should start by saying I am an incredibly lucky man. I have been through so much change over the last decade and Jamie has stuck with me throughout. There is little doubt I am no longer the man he married.

How many people would stick around through WW, Nutrition classes and the ups and downs the go with it. Through a change to organic interspersed with trips to MCDonald's.

I have been adamant about health one week and then the next week I couldn't give a damn. Talk about mixed messages!

Nonetheless he has been there, and has been overwhelmingly supportive, especially in the past year.

We don't always agree, but I think we are now able to accept each other as we are and, at times, agree to disagree.

He is trying to learn, but sometimes I think it is harder for him. At least I always believe what I believe with conviction. He knows that it may or may not actually last. Yet he still supports me.

I couldn't ask for more :-)