Thursday, July 8, 2010

Down 1.6 Pounds!

I really didn't expected to be "down" at Weight Watchers last night. I didn't expect to be "up" either, just about the same. So now I am 190.8 pounds. I loved the 80s and this is the only way I know to go back there I will do it next week!

There were two people in yesterday's meeting who had achieved significant goals. One had lost the 24 pounds she needed to lose to become a life time member (meaning she can attend for free from now on) and the other had lost 25 pounds. Congrats to you both!

One of my "anonymous" bloggers had said on my blog last week that she was just over one pound away from reaching the big 25 last week so I am thinking maybe I figured out who this particular anonymous is. Am I right? :-) Seriously don't have to's just fun speculating.

I realized last night that the 1.6 pounds I lost doesn't really count toward the approximately 12 pounds I vowed to lose by August 11th. I did the calculations and after the loss last night I still have 11.8 pounds to go to reach goal.

Not that much has changed because I said I would do it at the end of five weeks from today (well....on the Wednesday night not the Thursday morning). I will do my final weigh-in just before vacation and I WILL be at goal.

I didn't do too well last night however. I fell into old habits of eating excessively AFTER getting on the scale. You would think I would have learned by now!

Oh is a new day with a new beginning. We have friends coming to spend the night tonight but I am pretty sure I can still eat healthy.

Wish me luck and be healthy!



Anonymous said...

LOL....trying to be a sleuth are you? NO, it wasn't me that celebrated the 25 lbs. I was actually late for the meeting so I missed most of the celebrations part. I was down .6 so am at 24 and still a full pound away from my current goal. I am on vacation next week and actually a little glad that I didn't get it because it will keep me more focussed than if I had made it. As long as my average loss is still over 1 pound a week, I am happy.
What did you think of the new space? I found it too small. I much prefer being able to see everyone around the room rather than the rows.
Congratulations on your big loss. Obviously even though you may be going a bit overboard sometimes, you are still making choices that are working for you.

Unknown said... now I have to figure out who is NOT there next week LOL.

At first I didn't like the new space...found it too noisy pre-meeting, but when the meeting actually started I felt like the fact that we were all closer together somehow made the group more cohesive...more I liked the meeting itself in the smaller space.

I think it is like anything else though. Ultimately it is just a room and a month from now we will have forgotten the old room ever existed.


Karen said...

I am curious are you 'eating excessively AFTER' every weigh-in or only if the results are good? Must say I loved the '80s too, but not when my weight was there.
I am confident that you will make your goal, and I am pleased to read about every milestone that you hit.
Keep up (or should I say 'Down') the good work.

Unknown said...

Thanks Karen

That is a good question. Will have to pay more attention to that and see if there is a correlation. I doubt it though. I think I just get this stupid idea in my mind that the week goes from Thursday morning until Wednesday night weigh-in so after weigh in the rest of Wednesday night becomes this "free space". As we all know though...nothing is really free,

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing. I still track it, but Wednesday night is pretty much wide open and I have what I want. Yes, I am well aware that an 'overages' in my points will still show up on the scale the next week, but I figure its better than when I weighed in on SAturday mornings and then took the whole day to indulge!

Anonymous said...

The new room looks like Weight Watchers is on a budget.

Considering how much we are all paying in that room every week they could have found something better.

The chairs are too small and too uncomfortable for large people.

I agree - the noise level in there is very high - because it is so small.

As well, there is little to no privacy. You are weighed in right where people are walking in. At least there was a buffer if someone was upset with the number.

If I did not like the leader and the members so much, I would find a nicer place to be a "loser".

Unknown said...

The leader and the group mean everything to me so I am willing to sacrifice, although I truly did find the actual meeting more intimate in the new location.