Monday, August 2, 2010

Is An Unplanned Cleanse OK Or Just Part Of A Binge/Starve Cycle?

I just got back from the gym and I am going to have a nice healthy omelet for breakfast and then I am going to do a cleanse of raw fruits and vegetables only for two days.

I do this cleanse fairly regularly and I believe it is good for you, but I usually plan it. It is not in "response" to something.

This time is different though. I am definitely doing this as a response to over-eating.

It was a long weekend and indulgences did happen. Friday night we has a friend over, and although the meal was pretty healthy a bottle of wine was involved. Saturday night was a night of drinking at a bar, and last night we went to a dinner party at our friend Marks.

Dinner at Marks was delicious but it is the pre-dinner spread on the table that is always the challenge. He has all the stuff we ate as a kid out. Jujubes, sugar coated jelly candies, this small red sweetheart type candies, chocolates...etc etc etc. You may recall my blogging about this after Mark's Victoria Day Party.

I don't know why, but I ate them...a lot of them. The really interesting thing though was that my body really didn't seem to know how to process them anymore. I found myself in his bathroom, almost bent over in pain and thinking "I have to remember this feedback". It was awful.

The dinner was great, the company was great, but I CHOSE to sabotage myself. I have no one to blame but me.

Weight Watchers would say that after going off track, the most important thing is NOT to starve yourself. Just to get right back on plan. I am going to choose, this one time, to ignore Weight Watchers.

As much as this cleanse is unplanned, I think my body is telling me I need to do it, so I am going to do it. Weight Watchers also tells us to listen to our body.

Fruits and vegetables here I come!

Be healthy!



Pamela said...

WOW - all that candy - your system is freaking out over all that sugar - at once.

If you know that he is going to use that as his "entrees" why not go to Bulk Food Barn and pick up some choices to add to the table?

They have some really great items -and all of them are listed with ingredients to figure out the points. You can still join in on that part of the dinner and not feel deprived. You at least know the points when you are eating it.

Being sick after eating something so takes the fun out of the event. You not only feel guilty about it, you have the pain to remember it by.

Hope you are feeling better.

Unknown said... downfall was I totally forgot about the pre-dinner type snacks he has. I don't know why but it never even crossed my mind until we were there.

Can't blame anyone though...I am the one who chose to eat it.

Feeling better and learn.