Monday, August 16, 2010



Jamie Lee Trying To Get My Picture

Jamie Lee Listening Intently
I can't believe I was at Jamie Lee Curtis' Birthday Party! It's true! I was!

Well...really it was her 18 year old daughter's birthday party but I was there! wasn't really Jamie Lee Curtis. It was our friend Tineke's friend...but it looks like her so it's the same thing right?!!!

Seriously though. It was another great day in Bournemouth and area. We went for a drive around the area of Poole in the morning which was spectacular down by the Sea, and then came back for that big English Breakfast I was speaking of. I enjoyed it, but, with the exception of two eggs, I only had one of everything which I think was pretty good.

Then it was off to Portsmouth which is about an hours drive away for the 18th Birthday Party. Sometimes the best way of experiencing a country is to spend it with the locals. We had a wonderful time. 

It was REALLY hard but I resisted most temptation. I did have one Samosa, one Bahji, one cheese and pineapple on a stick, one lamb on a stick, one piece of chicken and a salad as pictured below.

I also had two beers and an apple cider.

It is what I didn't have that was the challenge. I didn't have either of the pies, the chocolate cake, or the Birthday Cake. Neither did I have any of the Maynonaise based foods. These are all the things I usually love! It was hard.

Breakfast was around 11:00AM yesterday and lunch around 3pm so no need for dinner which is perfect!

The only thing I had in the evening was Shrimp Cocktail Chips from Marks and Spencers. I used to love these but the store no longer exists in Canada. I probably ate half a bag which is 130 calories. Not too bad :-)

Today we leave for Annan Scotland to see my relatives. You have no idea how excited I am but I have a feeling it will be the hardest part of the journey food wise. I want to be able to relax and enjoy the pubs there a bit too so it may be a dangerous combination.

Some silly pictures with glasses are below.

Be healthy!



Quade said...

YOu're tricky - you totally roped me in with your headline. I thought, "wow Jamie Lee has got amazing arms!"

Glad you're having a great time. Say Hi to Jamie. There was a guy on the radio yesterday from Singapore and he sounded just like Jamie; made me miss you guys.

Unknown said...

That fantastic, even if just her double;0)
sounds like a wonderful trip so far and no doubt more to follow. Keep us all posted.Roisin

Portia said...

Oh my stars are just waaaaay to cute! Now THAT'S the english breakfast I'm talkin about..yummmo! So glad, Jamie-Lee was able to grace your vacation (LOL) Oh, how I wish I was with you both! Scotland~makes my heart flutter with devotion and love...Enjoy my sweet! Hope we get to see you in a kilt! Delish! BTW, you looook fantastic..even with the goofy glasses .. LOL .. love you, be safe xo Debb

Anonymous said...

So Alan you only had one of everything for breakfast, how was that baked bean for you? :)

Seriously you are an inspiration and you're will power is contagious... Stay away from those deep fried Mars bars in Scotland!!!

Alf ;)

Unknown said...


they have deep fried Mars Bars here? Thanks Alf. I had never heard of that but now I feel like I have to findone! Lol