Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life Is So Very Precious

It seems that the universe is repeatedly telling me how precious life is lately...and how much we lose when we lose someone we love.

Yesterday I wrote of my friend who's mother had taken a turn for the worst and mentioned that she was making arrangements to return home to see her for what would possibly be the last time. Sadly, her mother has now passed away. My friend has lost her mother only three short months after losing her father.

Our friend was not able to get home in time, but her mother did travel to Canada just over a month ago and was able to watch her daughter marry the man she loves. It was a special time for them as they both knew her condition was terminal. I am so glad they were able to share this special time together.

I don't really want to write about much else today. There is nothing else to say other than look at your life, as I am, and what we do with it.

Live life to the fullest and live life as healthful as you can so that you will be here as long as possible.

We love you and pray for you and your family D & M.

I hope everyone who reads this blog today takes the time to think about how valuable every single moment of life is.

Please be healthy,


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