Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yesterday was kind of a slow day for Jamie and I, wish was exactly what we needed. Sometimes you just need to slow things down and enjoy the day.

By the time we left the flat to head into the city center it was about 10:00AM.  We stopped in briefly at Catherine’s shop to tell here I had forgotten my iphone so she wouldn’t be able to contact us during the day, but of course as I entered the phone I realized the phone was in my pocket. I can be quite ditzy sometimes :-).

By the time we actually thought about eating it was lunchtime so we ended up skipping breakfast and when for a nice Japanese lunch.

I ordered UDON soup with crabsticks. It seemed like a healthy choice and at the end of the day it was reasonably healthy but  didn’t realize until the meal came that the crab sticks were deep fried. Fortunately they had them on a plate on the side and not actually IN the soup, so I simply didn’t eat those. I think Udon has more noodles here than ours do, but for an entre lunch (and breakfast) I think the choice was fine.

Miso Soup
UDON Without The Fried Crab Sticks
After lunch we went to see our first Edinburgh Fringe Festival show of the day which was called Mysterious Skin. We are clearly drawn to stuff that grips your emotions. This was the story of two men’s lives. One believed he had the best relationship/sex of his life when he was eight years old,  and the other believed he had been abducted by aliens when he was eight. The loss of “time” being his most significant rational for his abductions. As the play unfolds it is revealed that both men were actually sexually abused by the same High School Coach. One enjoyed, it and one didn’t, but both had become emotional train wrecks.  It was quite a powerful show.

We the wandered around the shops of High Street for about three hours before seeing our second show Memory Cells. A fascinating play of a delusional man keeping a woman he believes he has married in his basement for over as year. You don’t realize (at least we didn’t) until about halfway through the show that the play is actually being presented in reverse.  Each scene takes place earlier than the one before until you see this cheerful girl arrive and the gentleman’s house.  It was another winner. 

We have been really good at choosing shows here. I think there is an advantage to coming closer to the end of the festival as you can read reviews and see the start ratings. We decided not to see anything that wasn’t at least 4 stars and it worked.

After the show we went to meet Catherine and Angelo, and two of their children Joni and Paul, for dinner. It was one of the two “Fish and Chip” nights I said I would have before returning home and a place we were told was one of the best places in Scotland. It was brilliant.

As the day neared a close we wandered up to a cafĂ©/restaurant where one of Catherine’s other kids, Dommie works. We had a coffee there and bd our farewells to him as it is unlikely we will see him again before we leave.
This is where Dommie Works
Inside Where Dommie Works
That's Him In The Window
Hard At Work
Yummy Coffee
We Will Miss You Dommie
Finally we went to our 10:30pm Comedy Show “Jim Jefferies – Alcoholocsost”. It was extremely funny but not for the faint of heart. They warn you ahead of time not to go in if you don’t like hard hitting humour and foul language.

Today is our last day in Edinburgh. I think it will be a relaxing one. We will probably do a tour of Edinburgh Castle and maybe a ghost tour but nothing is set in stone until tonight when we are seeing a show called “The Lady Boys Of Bangkok” with Catherine and Family. It is a Thai dinner theatre type set up so food choices are limited. Chicken Curry looks like the healthiest option I can see on the menu so I will probably have that.

Leaving Edinburgh is starting to feel a little emotional. Beautiful  pictures of this city that is, itself, an Art Gallery, below.

Tomorrow is a travel day so no sure/when if there will be a blog but there probably will be...just a little later in the day.

Be healthy!


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