Thursday, August 5, 2010


I try not to make my blog about the Weight Watcher's topic of the week, although I think I do mention it in passing occasionally. I really don't want this blog to become ABOUT Weight Watchers, nor do I wish to receive any "cease and desist" orders from them for handing out their meeting info. without authorization.

I am going to make an exception today though because I think the message is strong and needs to be heard by all. Of course their message is about food but it really applies to life. The topic was "secret eating" but the real message was...when we do things in secret...who are we fooling?...and who are we ultimately hurting? I don't even think I need to tell you the answer to that one.

I will stick to the topic of food though, and let you extrapolate out any other points in your life where it may be relevant. I know I can find relevance in mine.

As far as "secret eating" goes I used to be a professional at it. I got so good at it that my secrets became habits. Are they habits for you?

I used buy a chocolate bar (ok two chocolate bars) just before going in to Weight Watchers  and after weighing in I would walk directly into the bathroom and eat them. I had the whole week before I stepped on a scale again so they didn't count right?

When I worked in the corporate world, and was in between attendance at Weight Watchers (I think I quit Weight Watchers at least 6 times before I finally "got it") I would stop at a fast food joint on the way home (it really didn't matter which one) and get a burger combo with fries and a chocolate shake. That wasn't the biggest problem though. The biggest problem was that I didn't want anybody to know. In order to keep my "secret" I had to act like I hadn't eaten and the only way to do that was to eat dinner as usual. I never wanted it, and often had to force myself to eat it, but it was the only way to keep the secret a secret.

Eventually the secrets became habits, and as time went by, the secrets became pretty obvious.

Unfortunately the growing belly ultimately displays the results for the world to see.

This blog isn't really about the growing belly though. It is about having the secret in the first place. Are we fooling ourselves? We are only fooling ourselves into thinking we are fooling ourselves. At the end of the day does it matter if we are fooling anyone else? Maybe sometimes...but usually no.

The bottom line is that secrets hurt us. Food secrets can end our lives early, especially if we allow them to become habits.

It has taken me a long time to break the "food secrets" habit, and this blog pretty much makes it really hard for me to do, but I think, for the most part, I have accomplished that goal. In other parts of my life...I'm not perfect...but I am getting there.

If you have secrets I really hope you will try and break free of them. It is for your own good, and your own health...both mentally and physically.

I am not suggesting that everyone start revealing every secret they have in their life to cleanse their soul. I personally believe that sometimes historical secrets are best left historical secrets. I AM suggesting that as of today we decide "secrets no more". It is much easier to move forward free of new secrets than it is to attempt to undo what we cannot change.

By breaking the "secrets" habit I think we are one step closer to achieving self-empowerment through personal responsibility.

Wasn't yesterday's meeting a great topic? I think so.

I was down 2.2 pounds last night! Technically I need to lose 2.8 pounds more to achieve my goal of 179 pounds by next Wednesday but to be honest if I am 179 "point something" I still fully intend to declare victory! Being under 180 pounds before I leave for vacation is what I want to see.

Be healthy!



Karen said...

Congrats again, and when do you ever sleep? I always check the time of your blog posts and some are far too early.
I hope the pillow is working out for you, I have slept with one for about 20 years, and just love it (for any of your women readers that may be experiencing those dreaded hot-flashes, I have found that a body pillow helps to cool me down at night).
Sorry about your big candy binge, I do have my very large fly swatter handy for the next time you decide to stray. One thing that I know helps me, is that we do keep quite a few cookies, chips, nuts etc. out in the open at home. They don't seem so much of a treat anymore as they are always there, and now it is not very often that I even eat any of them.
Take care my friend, and if I don't have the opportunity to comment again before you leave, I do hope that both you and Jamie enjoy your much deserved vacation. Hugs to you both.

Unknown said...

Hey Karen!

I wasup way too early this morning. I haven't slept right the last few days. I had put it down to getting used to sleeping on my side and "hinger" issues as I struggled with the fruit and veggie cleanse but not really sure what the problem was last night. Hope it corrects itself soon! I um usually up early (5:30AM) but I rarely have sleep issues.

I haven't got the proper body pillow yet (maybe that is part of the problem) and am using a tubular pillow I already had jut to block me from rolling over onto my stomach but will try and look for the proper pillow today.

Leaving tempting food out all the time is an interesting strategy. It scares the hell out if me right now but I can see the rationale on why it would work. Maybe once I am a little more "stable" I will give it a try.

Thanks for the vacation wishes. Can't wait for next Wednesday to come! We will leave for the airport directly from the WW meeting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on another big loss! Thanks for the update on the meeting topic. I too was brutal for secret eating, mine was always in the car. I did the 'combo' after work thing for awhile but was also very adept at working a bag of chips and dip, wedged in by the gearshift, while driving. Maybe not as dangerous as texting but I can't imagine what a cop would have said if they had seen it.
Like you said, the secret doesn't last as the results are out there for everyone to see.
I'm sorry I missed the meeting but hopefully by next week I won't be quite so scary looking and able to go out. I did drop in and weigh but made sure it was mid afternoon when there was only one person in the place.
Have a great week.

Unknown said...

I feel so bad for you and your poison ivy. I am sure you look absolutely stunning even with the poison ivy! See you next week even if I don't know who you are!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. It is nasty. I have it on my face and my kids keep telling me I should take a picture and make it my facebook profile pic....teenage boys have a warped sense of humour. My dr. gave me some heavy duty drugs yesterday so hopefully it will start to ease up.

Unknown said...

narrowing it down...teenage that makes you...mmmmm...around 40?