Monday, May 31, 2010

Resetting Expectations - For Now

Over the past day or two I have received quite a few comments/emails/texts with suggestions on how to get back on track and stay on track.

The has helped me immensely. The good news is that I was extremely healthy yesterday!

I think that perhaps the most impactful piece of feedback I received is that I have to remember I still have a life to live, I am not perfect, and sometimes that invloves resetting my own expectations and being prepared for the fact that there may be weeks of weight maintenance or even a little weight gain.

I have always known that the upcoming week would be a week where that was my reality. The week we hold our  Martini party is always, by choice, a "non wieght loss friendly" week. It doesn't mean that I have to pig out all week but it does mean that odds are I will gain a little this week.

It is unfortunate that the week preceding this week also turned into a food fest, but you know what? That is reality and it is what it is.

So I will be as healthy as I can this week and if there is some weight gain in the process, then there is some weight gain in the process.

I have to be REAL careful that it doesn't turn into three weeks though so I may be looking for some serious support after this upcoming weekend is over.

Be healthy!


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