Thursday, May 27, 2010

Down 2.6! Happy and Stupid But Mostly Happy

I weighed-in at Weight Watchers last night and I was down 2.6 pounds....yeah!!!! That puts me at 195.4 pounds which leaves me with 16.4 pounds to go if I wish to reach the government (and Weight Watcher's) maximum "healthy" weight for my height. I'm still not sure I want to lose that much but I do still have more to lose so I will keep working at it and see where it makes sense to stop.

I am really happy about this and although some of you may read the rest of this blog and think "but it doesn't count" I am absolutely counting it. I earned it!

Why would some say it doesn't count? Because in a way I cheated. Although I wasn't that hungry I basically starved myself on weigh-in day.

The plan wasn't to starve myself but the thought of weighing-in definitely played a huge factor.

It started with breakfast...or lack thereof. Even though last week's WW meeting was about the importance of eating breakfast, and we were supposed to make a commitment to eat breakfast every morning last week, I knew I was going out for lunch yesterday, and it was weigh-in day, so I skipped breakfast.

Lunch time came around and I thought. "I can be really good and that way it won't effect the scales", so I ordered a chef salad with salad dressing on the side and only dipped my fork in the dressing once.

The end result was that by the time I got to WW to weigh-in at 5pm I had had a zero point day and that resulted in success on the scales.

The stupid thing is though, not eating on weigh-in day only works once. If I don't eat next Wednesday I only break even. I think the key is to eat the same thing EVERY Wednesday. That way the food in my stomach is the same when I step on the scale each week. By doing this I remove the "Wednesday Food" factor WITHOUT starving myself.

Sounds good right? So why, as I am typing this, is a voice in my head saying "Alan you have to do this but not for two weeks as the next two weeks are going to be really hard food challenge weeks and you can't afford to change the schedule to "add" food on a Wednesday until the two weeks are over". Everything in me knows that this is the wrong answer but I still don't think I will change anything for two weeks. It really is amazing how much of an idiot I can be.

At least I can laugh at myself :-)

The problem with starvation Wednesdays is what happens AFTER you weigh-in.

It was HOT yesterday so on the way in to the meeting I got myself an extra large iced Cappuccino with a Carmel shot thinking "I have had zero points today so I can afford this treat". Man was it good. I only allowed myself two small sips before stepping on the scales though.

Then after weighing-in I went and got a  1 1/2 cup serving of Chilli from the "Goodness Me" store. "I'm still ok" I'm thinking.

Driving home I got hungry and decided I was going to get a Wendy's Double Burger with Cheese. I pulled up in front of Wendy's, came to my senses, didn't drive in, and went home. Great!

At home I made two small sandwiches, with Weight Watchers bread. and am feeling pretty good about myself.

The only problem is we went over to the neighbours and watched the final results for American Idol. Six chocolates and a bottle of wine later I found myself 16 points over my daily allowance.

So starving myself meant I went from zero points at 5pm to 48 points at the end of the night.

The big question is "Have I learned anything?" The obvious answer is "yes" but mentally I am not there so the truthful answer is "maybe".

Today is a brand new week with a brand new tracker and a brand new start, so I am off to the gym to work last night off.

Be healthy!


Anonymous said...

Good for you!
I totally understand the starving on Wednesday for weigh in. I used to be a Saturday morning WW when Cindy did that class and it was the best. I really don't like the evening weigh in but it is truly all a game. As long as you are consistent the results are going to come. I used to try and starve but now I eat my normal breakfast and lunch, keeping weigh in in mind and keep them light, and drink all my water by 3pm. I just got to the point that I decided I can't stop my life because I'm getting on the scale that day.
Keep up the great work and be thankful you're a young, tall, male who gets a bounty of points each day! Trust me, those 35 are a blessing because there is no way I could get through the week on my measly 23 a day. And as much as I loved losing and going from the 190's to the 180's, losing that daily point becomes another 7 out of my weekly allowance! I'm starting to get close to the 170's and I love it, but there goes another daily point!

Unknown said...

Good For Me? Good for you!!! Your post is spot on! I was once a Saturday morning member too (pre-Cindy). I used like it because it forced me to control my Friday nights, but Cindy is so good I go where Cindy goes! LOL

I do know that I am lucky getting 32 points a day but wish I had your common sense when it comes to what one should eat/drink on weigh-in day.

I'm turning 47 next week so the "young" part I especially liked hearing :-)


Karen said...

Congrats again - another good weigh-in. It is amazing how we can go from doing so well to rewarding ourselves into trouble. I do agree with the post that says "I can't stop my life because I'm getting on the scale that day" - how true, so now it is just to find the right balance. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Thanks Karen. I think we are all ALL going to figure out how to "balance" and get to our goals. We are a TEAM now! :-)