Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cleaning up YOUR Environment - and I don't mean your kitchen :-)

I have thought about writing about this subject for a while but have held off as it may not be the most "appropriate" thing to talk about. I know this is a part of feeling good about oneself that we would NEVER talk about in a Weight Watcher's Meeting.

Even as I am typing it I am wondering if I will hit "publish" at the end or write something else.

I do think it is an important part of feeling good about oneself though and feeling good about oneself provides motivation.

I am talking about cleaning up your personal "environment".

I have been to so many meetings where we have talked about having a clean home and having the kitchen stocked properly, but nobody ever talks about the sensitive topic of having a clean body.

I mean grooming here folks...not taking a shower. I trust you all do that.

I realize that there are some people our there who never groom and there are some people out there who do this like clockwork and don't need to worry. These two groups of people can probably ignore this blog. If you never do it and it doesn't bother you then don't worry about it.

I suspect there are people like me though who clean up the "nether regions" and the rest of the body when they are feeling on top of things, and then tend to "let it slide" when they are busy.

Or perhaps an individual is between relationships right now and figures no one else will see anyway. Are you sure you will have time to clean up when that lucky moment arrives?

I have let myself slip from time to time and I do think it effects the way you feel. It is a reflection of how on top of the game you are. I think that sliding in this area is a stepping stone to sliding in life.

Do any of us really want to look like a National Forrest?

I think if you want to feel better about yourself you have to know you look better...everywhere.

There I typed it. Will I hit send?

I think so. I'm off to shave now :-)

Be healthy!


P.S. I can't end this blog without admitting that I went out for dinner last night and had a spring roll, meatloaf with mashed potatoes, and three beers. Do I regret it? Not for a second! I had a great time. I just have to recognize that my treat night is now over.

P.P.S.: Jamie is making fun of me in the background. He says I should call this my "blob" instead of my "blog" LOL

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