Friday, May 14, 2010

Finding Balance

Yesterday was a tough day for me. I had to make a decision I really did not want to make. I realized that I was completely burnt out.

Actually, I think I have known that for a while but have been in denial. Slowly but surely though...I had no choice but to face it.

The last few weeks have been pretty crazy. I have been doing the blog, going to the gym, working every day, going to Weight Watchers, sitting in Nutrition Courses two days a week, and then spending at least a third full day studying. I wonder why I got sick? My days have been starting as early as 3:30am because I wanted to do everything and refused to let my clients suffer in the process. The end result, however, was that I was the one that suffered.

This past week it really came to a head. I found myself doing Real Estate work on my laptop in nutrition class on Tuesday. Real Estate must always come first but what is the point of paying for a course is your not really "present".

I had a test scheduled for Thursday (yesterday) and an assignment due as well, but work was the priority of the day Wednesday so when I got home in the evening I studied until about 11pm, went to bed and set my alarm for 3:30AM.

When I woke up, not only did I still need to study for the test but I hadn't even started my assignment. At first I thought "no problem". They are kind of "honour system" assignments because the answers are actually in the back of the textbook. So I started copying the answers from the back of my textbook onto my assignment.

As I was doing this reality clicked in. I realized I was not learning ANYTHING by doing this and I was becoming a basket case. So I made the decision to drop the Anatomy and Physiology course.

I am absolutely NOT dropping the program. Just accepting the fact that it might take longer than I thought to complete the program, and sometimes, work will be too busy and I will have to take a break from school.

I don't like quitting (and I am NOT quitting) but my health was declining in pursuit of health...if that makes any sense.

Balance is vital and I need to find it again.

I will miss my friends in the course, and the Institute of Holistic Nutrition itself, very much, but I know I will be back. I will either return Mid-June or Mid-July depending on how crazy Real Estate is.

It was a harder decision then you might understand. Bonds are formed when you undertake things and become part of a group. Sometimes those bonds are hard to break, even if it is only temporarily.

To my friends at the Institute: I miss you already!

Be healthy,



Karen said...

Sorry to hear about your sabbatical (meaning taking a 2 - 12 month break), I am sure that you will be missed as well, even for the short time you will be away. Your course is like your Weight Watchers, no one may see you go back to old eating habits (or copying the answers from the back of the book), but when weigh-in day(or exams) comes, so does the truth. You are much better off putting your course on hold until you can devout the proper time to learning and retaining what you have learned, without jeopardizing your health or your clients. The one very positive I see with this is that you will have no more studying for the next couple of months, therefore no need for the snacking excuse while studying.

Unknown said...

LOL...I hadn't thought about that but you are absolutely right on both counts! It is like Weight Watchers and I have NO excuses for junk! Thanks for pointing that out :-)

Trish said...

Bummer. We'll miss you... but a smart move. What IS the point of depleting your own health when in fact, you are tying to learn how to help others improve theirs? Alan I know exactly how hard the balancing act is....and how hard it is to make decisions about postponing the future. I too have done that lonely 3am study session more often than I care to admit, and have questioned my sanity and my reason for being enrolled back in school. Fortunately I had other activities - beyond my business responsibilites - that I could let go of temporarily in order to try to recalibrate my schedule. I'm mising them a lot - but know that something's got to give. I completely understand your choice. Keep in touch - stay healthy and focused and play the long game. Cheers-

Unknown said...

Thanks Trish. Being one of the "Adult Learners" in the class like me, I knew you would understand :-) I really hate stopping the course right now, but know it is the right decision. Linda emailed me to say that although "Anatomy and Physiology" is technically a pre-requisite for the next course, "Body Metabolism", she thought I would be able to handle the course, so I will see how the work load is when "A&P" ends. If possible I will be back when Body Metabolism starts, if not I will definitely be back for "Nutrition Through The Lifespan".